1. Bury Hancock Week — Lang Hancock used to be hated by everyone in the olden days (as in this discussion of the second week of November, 1966). Great progress everyone!
  2. Does Canberra leave us any alternative to secession? — No, says Lang Hancock in 1974.
  3. Ron Manners on the Workers Party — another brilliant and insightful chapter from Heroic Misadventures.
  4. Greg Lindsay says that state schooling is unjust — In 1975.
  5. Singo and Howard on: Education (they oppose all government involvement in schooling and compare state schools to prisons); and Qualifications. In 1977.
  6. Bert Kelly: “Do we want our money to fly?,” The Australian Financial Review, June 12, 1970, p. 3, against subsidising air travel; and “Can a bear be sure of a feed?,” The Australian Financial Review, July 10, 1970, p. 3, against welfare.
  7. Johnny Cash sings “After Taxes”
  8. Lastly, the great opponent of government, Brisbane’s Liam Warriner, has been fined $750 for mooning the Queen. This is a disproportionate punishment for his “crime”. A proportional punishment would be to sentence Liam Warriner to have the Queen moon him. It is reminiscent of this magisterial Dave Allen sketch. The miscarriage of justice is unsurprising when you consider that the judge was not an independent third party, as he was literally in the pay of the Crown.