Because we’ve republished over 200 items featuring John Singleton, we feel it wise and prudent to repeat the disclaimer from his latest book:

If my opinions … have offended anyone …, I would like you to know deep down from the bottom of my heart that I don’t give a shit.1

The views expressed on Economics.org.au do not necessarily represent the views, avowed or disavowed, corroborated or rumoured, stated or unstated, of those who call themselves the local, state or federal political representatives of the Economics.org.au authors.

It would be fraudulent for anyone associated with Economics.org.au to claim that they are represented by any so-called representative politician. So the authors of Economics.org.au would like to make perfectly clear, that, although they do fund politicians who claim to represent them, they do not do so consensually, but only at the threat of overwhelming force and credible officially-endorsed threats of further deprivations, extortions and other taxes.

The authors of Economics.org.au, through their forced submission to those who claim to represent them, never intend to defame, embarrass or misrepresent those who claim to represent them, including those who claim to be their representatives’ political parties, persons, property or derivatives thereof, and unreservedly apologise for any complication, confusion and misunderstanding that Economics.org.au may have, by commission or omission, caused, directly or indirectly, in not being represented by those who claim to represent them.

If those politicians who claim to represent the authors of Economics.org.au feel they have in any way had their integrity compromised, finances weakened, popularity lessened or egos punctured by Economics.org.au, of or pertaining to the claim that the authors of Economics.org.au are represented by them, they may apply for reimbursement to the Economics.org.au Compensation Fund.

Yours sincerely,

Jean-Jacques Rousseau, author of:

Sovereignty cannot be represented, for the same reason that it cannot be alienated; its essence is the general will, and will cannot be represented — either it is the general will or it is something else; there is no intermediate possibility. Thus the people’s deputies are not, and could not be, its representatives; they are merely its agents; and they cannot decide anything finally. Any law which the people has not ratified in person is void; it is not a law at all.2

Thomas Paine, who positively admitted:

[The] Attraction [of national representation] acts so powerfully, that Men give it their Approbation even without reasoning on the Cause.3

And Lysander Spooner, who explained:

If a man is my servant, agent, or attorney, I necessarily make myself responsible for all his acts done within the limits of the power that I have entrusted to him. If I have entrusted him, as my agent, with either absolute power, or any power at all, over the persons or properties of other men than myself, I thereby necessarily make myself responsible to those other persons for any injuries he may do them, so long as he acts within the limits of the power I have granted him. But no individual who may be injured in his person or property, by acts of Congress, can come to the individual electors, and hold them responsible for these acts of their so-called agents or representatives. This fact proves that these pretended agents of the people, of everybody, are really the agents of nobody.4

  1. John Singleton, True Confessions (Stanmore: Cassell Australia, 1979), p. 157, the entirety of the chapter titled “Conclusion”. Redd Foxx said something similar.
  2. Jean-Jacques Rousseau, The Social Contract, trans. Maurice Cranston (London: Penguin, 1968), p. 141, bk. III, ch. 15.
  3. Thomas Paine, “To the Authors of The Republican,” July 2, 1791, in his Collected Writings (New York: Library of America, 1995), p. 378.
  4. Lysander Spooner, No Treason No. VI, in The Lysander Spooner Reader (San Francisco: Fox & Wilkes, 1992), p. 94.