John Singleton with Bob HowardRip Van Australia (Stanmore: Cassell Australia, 1977), pp. 184-85, under the heading “Non-Interference”.

Mind your own business is the only moral law.

A criticism that is likely to be levelled at the ideas expressed in this book — certainly a criticism that we have heard many times in the past — is that we are anti-this and anti-that — which is all very easy to do, it is said. But what are we for? What do we offer instead?

The whole point of our stand is just that the world is suffering too much already at the hands of people who are eager to show people what they are for. Every political huckster in the business devotes himself to dreaming up or championing new schemes, plans and programmes, all at our expense, and all limiting our freedom.

That is precisely what we are against. What we are for is non-interference. We believe that your life is your responsibility, not ours. If you want someone else to run it for you, that’s fine. It’s your life. All we ask is that you don’t involve us in your schemes. If you want to be a socialist, go right ahead. A fascist? Be our guest. A communist? We don’t mind. Just leave us out of it, and we’ll likewise leave you alone.

We believe that the causes of almost every one of our problems — social, political and economic — are to be found in the fact that someone, or some group, have taken it upon themselves to force their opinions, their schemes, and their taste on others. People have a right to be free. They function best under freedom. Give them that and they’ll work their problems out, by voluntary action and voluntary co-operation. All the dead hand of government will do is create and institutionalise economic dislocations, social discrimination, and political privilege.

So, sure, we’re negative. And anti-State, and every that goes with that — anti-taxation, anti-regulation, anti-inflation, anti-privilege, anti-exploitation, anti-expropriation, anti-war. Surely, that’s better than offering you a new, improved, bigger and brighter version of the same crap game?

We don’t pretend to know how you should best live your life. We are not in the business of enforcing our value judgements. We say — you live your life how you want to. Do whatever you like. But respect other people’s equal freedom.

Hurt no person. Then do whatever you like.