1. A Libertarian’s New Year’s Resolution — Neville Kennard introduces Harry Browne’s classic.
  2. Singo and Howard on Striking at the Root, and the Failure of Howard, the CIS and the IPA — John Singleton and Howard are at it again.
  3. Singo and Howard Explain Why Australia is Not a Capitalist Country — and again.
  4. Maxwell Newton Audio at Mises.org — the Mises Institute leads the way in supporting Australian free market advocates, alongside John Zube’s Libertarian Microfiche Publishing.
  5. Libertarian Philanthropists Should Exploit Tax Evasion Convictions — the editor continues his search for new libertarian activism ideas.

To expand our reach I have just joined Facebook. So if you are on Facebook, you might “like” www.facebook.com/economics.org.au and sharing it with your friends with your own commentary. It is great to see the internet trying to keep up with Economics.org.au.

That’s it for Economics.org.au until next year, when we’ll try to be less diplomatic, hesitant and soft. A big thanks to our authors, commenters and distributors during 2010. Without you, we’d have a central banking system, an income tax and a Gillard government. We hope our subscribers feel they have got their money’s worth from their subscription.