by Benjamin Marks, editor

(See Mac Nichols’ report.)

  1. Don’t speak ill of the dead. Capitalism WAS great.
  2. Our property rights have been buried in a communist plot.
  3. Parliament is a nursing home, each piece of legislation a disease and every political speech an obituary.
  4. Why should we march peacefully, when you do not confiscate our property peacefully?
  5. “The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants. It is its natural manure.” ~ Jefferson
  6. Not only is capitalism dead, but the inheritance tax has been reintroduced. Abolish the inheritance tax on the death of private property. Government are graverobbers.
  7. Make money, not laws.
  8. Thanks for the State Funeral.
  9. How long before this banner gets banned too?
  10. Government passes thousands of pages of legislation each year, and all I got to keep was my right to public protest.
  11. Government bans on vegetation clearing cremate property rights.
  12. Wreaths bring comfort, like most loopholes.
  13. Capitalism died a suspicious death. Exhume it for forensic examination.
  14. Live burial is a crime. Open the legislative coffin for property rights.
  15. A wake for property rights.
  16. When Locke talked of MIXING labour with unowned resources, he did not mean BURYING it.
  17. There’s a difference between STANDING on property rights and TRAMPLING them.
  18. Each political party is a religion with its own rituals for burying property rights.
  19. Property rights died fighting for freedom. RIP.
  20. Let us die with dignity, in a duel with a politician.
  21. Last Rites Are Not Property Rights.