Lang Hancock, “Is Western Australia ripe for UDI?,” The Times (London), March 1, 1973, p. 23.
This may be a year of destiny for Western Australia; not so much boom or bust but rather development or doldrums. Despite the fact that the new Commonwealth Government’s platform contained four practical proposals which, if implemented, could benefit Western Australia more than any other state in Australia, the people of this state voted differently to the rest of the Commonwealth and did not favour the incoming Government at the polls.
However, the electorate as a whole saw itself presented either with a policy of change, based on Labour’s platform of accelerated development, or with continuation of the previous Government’s stagnant approach.
Apart from its negative policy, considerable damage was also done by the previous Government in revaluing Australia’s currency without regard to its effect on Western Australia.
The new Labor Government under Mr Gough Whitlam now has a mandate to grant taxation incentives to industries aimed at development activities; to establish nuclear power stations; to provide low rates of interest for long term development loans; and to provide some infrastructure for major developments such as decentralised towns, harbours and roads.
If this programme were carried into effect, it would render practicable the Western Australian Government’s massive Pilbara development concept. It could bring into production at an early date at least three big iron mines in Pilbara, with reserves larger than those of Hammersley, Newman and Goldworthy.
It could provide finance for the building of a central rail system with a downhill gradient all the way, linking something like 90 per cent of the total known iron reserves in the Hammersley filed from a central point in that field to the shortest distance to the coast near the island of Depuch. There a port capable of servicing 250,000 ton vessels could be constructed.
What then might obstruct such a forward-looking programme? Much depends on who is actually going to run Australia. In Canberra, the main pressure groups consist of the bureaucracy, the trade unions, the manufacturing lobby and the farm lobby. Under the previous Government the tune was called mainly by the bureaucracy. In Mr Whitlam’s case, absence of experience, as a result of 23 years in the wilderness, has made him and his ministers peculiarly vulnerable to the public servants, whose “old guard” led the former Prime Minister into the tragedy of the first revaluation, and who are aiming to apply more of the same medicine.
Unless Mr Whitlam can assert his authority over the bureaucrats, I believe his regime is doomed to follow the colourless downward path of the Conservative Government. Already we have suffered two revaluations and the same influences in Canberra are now opposing any move to follow the recent United States devaluation.
The first two revaluations cost Western Australia dearly. For instance, in the case of iron ore, the two currency adjustments together too $A1.20 off a product worth only $A8. The last revaluation coincided more or less with a devaluation by Brazil so that the net difference in favour of Brazil became $A2.40 per ton, or, in round figures, the profit margin of our big producers such as Hammersley, Goldsworthy and Newman.
The total effect on Australia will be exaggerated by the fact that Brazil, our most dangerous rival in vital mineral exports, has once again stolen a march on us and devalued by a further 10 per cent. The defence that revaluation was necessary to dissipate Australia’s favourable balance of overseas funds is an inversion of fact — somewhat reminiscent of the lunatic who thought that the elephant’s tusks wre made from piano keys.
If there was any logic in the Government’s reasoning the same result could have been achieved by allowed Australians to spend the funds themselves.
If the Government now refuses to come into line with the recent United States devaluation, even the present giant producers could be rendered unprofitable.
This retarding effect on Western Australia’s economy has been followed by the banning of Mount Isa (a company with 50,000 Australian shareholders) from searching for oil.
The Commonwealth Government has made a grab at Western Australia’s north-west gas. They have prevented Mitsui from acquiring a minority interest in a New South Wales coal mine, although it is well known that no contracts for new mines will come out of Japan unless the Japanese have an equity stake.
The diplomatic moves in favour of China have stopped any prospect of an iron ore trade with Taiwan, which is said to be building a steel mill of sufficient capacity to consume enough iron to start off a new major project in Pilbara.
What, then, has been the cost to Western Australia to date of these Canberra capers?
They have put the kiss of death on the much-publicised “jumbo” steel mill project — a $A1,500m investment. They have rendered uneconomic half a dozen potential mines of enormous capacity in the Pilbara iron field, and sealed the fate of the $A250m Pacminex alumina refinery.
Added to this tale of woe came the latest announcement of the vetting and control, at the request of the mining industry itself, of all future overseas mineral contracts. I see this as further proof that Australia has long been bankrupt of mining, political and banking leadership.
The restriction on capital inflow, requiring a 25 per cent interest-free lodgement with the reserve bank, is something which no industry can face up to. Until Australians supply leadership in the fields mentioned above, investment money in Australia (of which there is plenty) will not flow into development projects, thus making the use of foreign capital necessary if we are to have industry established without our shores.
Admittedly, if common sense prevails, some of these moves may in due course be abandoned, but Mr Whitlam has to contend with such a broad spectrum of support in the Australian Labor Party that he faces an almost superhuman task. It is to placate the extremist elements that most of the news-making antics of the new Government have been performed.
In the economic field, where the main danger lies, I feel that it is the influence of the bureaucracy which is more to be feared. If Mr Whitlam cannot overcome it, then it will fan the flames of the far from dormant secession feeling in Western Australia.
Scratch any native-born West Australian in the privacy of his own parlour deeply enough and you will find a secessionist at heart. Let the Commonwealth Government scratch him as it has done with actions diametrically opposed to Western Australia’s interest, and I believe you will find an active secessionist. Make a Commonwealth grab on Western Australia’s north-west gas (irrespective of whether it is commercial or not) and you will find a militant secessionist.
Encouraged by their Government, Western Australians are convinced that they have the world’s largest gas field lying off their north-west shelf, coupled with the world’s largest supply of iron, backed up in other areas by one of the major nickel fields of the world, not to mention such other minerals as uranium, salt, manganese.
They further believe that they have been plundered by the eastern states’ manufacturing interests and used as a dumping-ground for something like $A800m of goods annually to the detriment of West Australian industry. They also feel that as far as monetary handouts from the Commonwealth are concerned Western Australia is very much on the end of the line.
If Western Australia were to secede (and Senator Murphy’s endeavours to divorce Australia from Privy Council ruling may make this easier) it could then erect a tariff wall against the eastern states of Australia. With the $A800m worth of exports then shut off, Western Australia could make a “most favoured nation” treaty with Japan to supply it with all its requirements at cheaper prices than the state now pays the eastern state manufacturers. It would be no hardship for Western Australians to ride in Japanese cars instead of the products of the eastern states’ foreign-owned General Motors and Ford companies.
Out of such a treaty would flow to Western Australia lucrative long-term contracts for its iron and all its major minerals, not to mention meat, wool and fruits, resulting in a trade balance less irksome to Australia’s best customer than exists at present. Western Australia could than also revert to par with the American dollar, in which all major mineral contracts have been written, thus giving an immediate 17 to 18 per cent bonus to all present producers.
Which way, then, will the situation develop? Will Mr Whitlam succeed in carrying out the forward looking policy of the Australia Labor Party election platform, thereby taking Australia into the gold era of a nuclear age?
Or will the 10 new government departments which his administration has formed add their weight to those already in existence and continue sawing sawdust in Canberra, while the rest of the country stagnates?
Or will we see the establishment of a new private enterprise frontier in a “free” Western Australia open for business with the rest of the world?
It would take a jumbo-size crystal ball to predict the answer, but I believe, given support from the more balanced members of his party, Gough Whitlam could rise to the occasion.
August 25, 2011 @ 7:44 pm
…. A. In Canberra, the main pressure groups consist of the bureaucracy, the trade unions and producer and industry lobbyists.
…. B. Under the previous Government the tune was called mainly by the bureaucracy.
…. C. In Mr Whitlam’s case, absence of experience has made him and his ministers peculiarly vulnerable to the public servants ….
Some things change. But only for the worse:
1. Add the beyond-biased/corrupt media to that power chart and this piece might have been written this morning.
2. Under the present "government" the tune is called mainly by the bureaucracy!.
3. The traitor, Whitlam, had never had a job, it's true (unless you count as "a job" [on Australia] his life-time of service to Mao's communists) — but the public service was always (and still is) comprised of ALP-activist Socialist Internationalists — and that situation was both aggravated by and complimented by Whitlam's stacking the public service twenty layers deep with even more ALP activists.