1. Citizenship for Sale — Neville Kennard with a market solution to immigration issues.
  2. No Arbiter Superior to the Always Democratic Market — Ronald Kitching’s news commentary.
  3. Unrepresentative Government — a brilliant essay by Justin Jefferson, clearly explaining why government does not represent society.
  4. Great Aussie Misadventures — Richard Johnsson reviews Ron Manners’ new book, a queue-jumper on his reading list.
  5. Exclusive Ross Gittins Interview — an interview with Australia’s most famous economist by the editor of Economics.org.au about Gittins new book The Happy Economist.
  6. Gittinomics: Economics for Gits — a review of Gittins previous book Gittinomics.
  7. A Noose or Poison for Beaten Presidential Candidates — with Latham, Peacock, Keating, Hawke, Hewson, Costello, Howard, Turnbull, Fraser and Rudd in the news it seemed somewhat timely to make available online H.L. Mencken’s modest proposal to help them out. Summary:

One of the unpleasant byproducts of the democratic form of Government is that it fills the land with disappointed and embittered men, savagely gnawing their finger nails … That damage goes with the Democratic system. But is it inevitable? Is there no way of escape? I offer one at once. Let us have a Constitutional amendment providing that every unsuccessful aspirant for the Presidency, on the day his triumphant rival is inaugurated, shall be hauled to the top of the Washington Monument and there shot, poisoned, stabbed, strangled, and disemboweled and his carcass thrown into the Potomac.