[Professor Kasper is one of the most important figures in the history of Australian free market reform. This page is an up-to-date list of his publications. Items marked with an asterisk * are what Professor Kasper considers the more important contributions.]


1 ‘Expansion and Stability’, Schmollers Jahrbuch, Berlin, 1967; 55-60.

2 ‘Internationale Währungspolitik’, Kiel Discussion Paper No. 1 (Kiel: Institut für Weltwirtschaft, 1969). [A summary of the discussion on international monetary reform]

2a* (unsigned article) “If the D-Mark Had Crawled…”, Fortune, 15 August, 1969; p. 105.


3* with Herbert Giersch: ‘A Floating German Mark: An Essay in Speculative Economics’ in G. N. Halm (ed.), Approaches to Greater Flexibility of Exchange Rates – the Bürgenstock Papers (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1970); 345-356.

4* ‘European Integration and Greater Flexibility of Exchange Rates’, in G. N. Halm (ed.), idem; 385-387.

5* Zur Frage größerer Wechselkursflexibilität – Eine Zwischenbilanz und ein Beispiel zur Illustration (Tübingen: Mohr-Siebeck, 1970). [On the Question of Greater Exchange-Rate Flexibility – the published version of my Ph.D. thesis].

6 with J. B. Donges: ‘Mayor flexibilidad de los tipos de cambio y su importancia para los países en desarrollo’, Trimestre económico, (September) 1970; 813-821.

7 with J. B. Donges, ‘Industry and Trade in Some Developing Countries’, Weltwirtschaftliches Archiv, (March) 1971; 1-16.

8 Various articles on monetary integration in Europe, in H. Giersch (ed.), Integration Through Monetary Union? (Tübingen: Mohr-Siebeck, 1971).

9 ‘Stabilisation Policies in a Dependent Economy – Some Lessons from the West German Experience’, in E. M. Claassen – P. Salin (eds.), Stabilisation Policies in Interdependent Economics (Amsterdam: North Holland, 1971); 270-286.

10 with J. B. Donges, ‘Greater Exchange-Rate Flexibility: A Review of the International Discussion and its Role for Developing Countries’, Ekonomi, vol. 12:1, 1971; 133 ff.

11 with Klaus D. Schmidt: ‘The West German Economy in Mid-Year 1971’, London and Cambridge Economic Bulletin (The Times, 21 and 22 July, 1971).

12 ‘Dual Exchange Rates: A Feasible Compromise Between Flexibility and Control?’, in F. Machlup-A. Gutowski-F. A. Lutz (eds.), International Monetary Problems (Washington: American Enterprise Institute, 1972); 87-94.

13 (Whilst an adviser to the Malaysian Treasury under the auspices of the Development Advisory Service of Harvard University, I designed and wrote the first Economic Report of the Treasury, which has since become a regular annual publication in conjunction with the Malaysian Federal Budget.)

14 ‘The Case for an Incomes Policy, 1973’, Department of Economics, Monash University, Seminar Paper Series, No. 30, (November) 1975.

15* Malaysia – A Case Study in Successful Economic Development (Washington: American Enterprise Institute, 1974).

16* with H. M. Stahl: ‘L’intégration par l’unification monétaire – une vue pessimiste’ in P. Salin (ed.), L’unification monétaire européenne (Paris: Calmann-Lévy, 1974); 133-144.

17* ‘A New Strategy for Malaysia’s Economic Development in the 1970?’ in D. Lim (ed.), Readings on Malaysian Economic Development (Kuala Lumpur: Oxford University Press, 1975); 127-136.

18 ‘An Exchange-Rate Policy to Protect Price-Level Stability’, in D. Lim (ed.) idem; 375-386.

19* Formation and Co-ordination of Economic Policy, (Coombs) Royal Commission on Australian Government Administration Discussion Paper No. 2 (Canberra: Australian Government Publishing Service, 1975).

20 ‘The Exchange Rate – A ‘New’ Instrument of Economic Policy’, Australian Economic Review, 1975:4; 17-28.

21 ‘The Emergence of an Active Exchange-Rate Policy – Some Quantitative Lessons’, in W. Kasper (ed.): International Money – Experiments and Experience, Papers and Proceedings of the Port Stephens Conference (Canberra: Department of Economics, Research School of Social Sciences, Australian National University, 1976), 21-69.

22 ‘Economic Relations between Australia and the Mid-East: Trade and the Potential for Further Development’, in J. Knight – G. Patz (eds.), Australia and the Middle East (Canberra: Australian Institute of International Affairs, 1976); 46-61.

23* Issues in Economic Policy – An Introduction for Australian Students (Melbourne: Macmillan, 1976).

24 ‘Exchange Rates, Price Levels and Speculation’, Economic Papers (May) 1976; 1-11.

25* with P. McMahon: ‘Import Competition and Job Opportunities in a Changing Australian Economy’, Australian Bulletin of Labour, 1977:2; 45-54.

26 ‘Recent International Monetary Developments: A Subjective Interpretation’ in W. M. Corden, W. Kasper, J. W. Nevile and R. H. Snape, Exchange Rate Changes and the Australian Economy, University of New South Wales, Centre for Applied Economic Research, Occasional Papers No. 2 (Sydney: CAER, 1977); 1-23.

27 ‘Australian Unemployment – An International Perspective on Problems and Policies’, Australian Bulletin of Labour, 1977:4; 16-30.

28* with T. G. Parry (as co-editor): Growth, Trade and Structural Change in an Open Australian Economy (Sydney: University of New South Wales, Centre for Applied Economic Research, 1978).

29 ‘Some Broad Perspectives of World Economic Growth’, in W. Kasper – T. G. Parry (eds.), idem; 7-25.

30 ‘Australia’s Economic and Industrial Structures: Past Patterns and Prospective Trends’ in W. Kasper – T. G. Parry (eds.), idem; 90-124.

31* ‘Australia’s Options’, Australian Financial Review, 7 Dec. 1977, 2-3 and 41 (a summary of the key hypothesis from the above paper, namely that economic growth in Australia suffered from policy-induced structural rigidities).

32 ‘Macroeconomic Performance and Microeconomic Efficiency’, in M. G. Porter (ed.), The Australian Monetary System of the 1970s (Melbourne: Monash University, 1978); 40-49.

33 ‘Overseas Experience with Unemployment and Job Creation Policies: Lessons for Australia?’, Economic Papers, (December) 1978; 43-58.

34 ‘Structural Change and the Growth Potential of Australian Industry’, in F. G. Hallsworth – J. T. Woodcock (eds.), The Land and Water Resources of Australia (Parkville: Australian Academy of Technological Sciences, 1979); 381-396.

35 ‘Charity Begins at Home – On Development Trade and Structural Adjustment’, in R. J. Shand-H. V. Richter (eds.), International Aid (Canberra: Australian National University Development Studies Centre, 1979); 247-262.

36 Activity Characteristics – An Approach at Identifying Long-Run Comparative Advantages of Australian Industries, University of Newcastle Industry Economics Discussion Paper, No. 6 (Newcastle: University of Newcastle, 1979).

37 with A.M.M. Masih: ‘Apparent Productivities in Australian Industries: A Note on International Comparison’, Australian Bulletin of Labour (December) 1979; 52-60.


38 with R. Blandy, J. Freebairn, D. Hocking and R. O’Neill, Australia at the Crossroads – Our Choices to the Year 2000 (Sydney – New York: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1980).

39 ‘Technological Change and Economic Growth’, in Committee of Inquiry into Technological Change in Australia, Technological Change in Australia [Myers Report] (Canberra: Australian Government Printing Service, 1980), volume 4; 237-260.

40 ‘Where Will the Jobs Come From? – A Projection of Innovation Comparative Advantage and Growth of Australian Industries’, (special issue of) Australian Bulletin of Labour, (December) 1980, Supplement.

41 with K. Gannicott, ‘The Potential for Technological Change in Australia to the Year 2000’, Search, (March-April) 1981; 67-73.

42 with G. Galer, ‘Scenario Planning for Australia’, Long Range Planning, vol. 15:4 (April) 1981; 50-55.

43 ‘The Future of Australian Industry and Defence’ in Australian Naval Institute, Australia’s Maritime Defence and its Relation to Industry (Canberra: Australian Naval Institute, 1981); 67-76.

44* Australian Political Economy – An Introduction for Students (Melbourne: Macmillan, 1982).

45* ‘The Sichuan Experiment’, The Australian Journal of Chinese Affairs, No. 7, (February) 1981; 163-172.

46 ‘The Market Approach to Social Welfare’, in R. Mendelsohn (ed.), Australian Social Welfare Finance (Melbourne: Allen & Unwin, 1982); 80-93.

47 ‘Innovation: Potential, Obstacles, Policies’, Institution of Engineers of Australia, Mechanical Engineers, Transactions (January) 1982; 1-5.

48 ‘Innovation: Potential, Obstacles, Policies,’ Journal of Engineering Education in South East Asia, (August) 1982; 39-42.

49 The Case For and Against the Tariff as of 1983 (Canberra: The Parliament of the Commonwealth of Australia, Legislative Research Service, 1983).

50 with P. O’Hara, ‘Long Waves in Australia –– And What Can Be Done About Them’ opening address, Economics Section, ANZAAS Congress, Perth (16 May) 1983 (mimeo).

51 ‘Innovation: By Government or the Market?’, Proceedings, Conference on Sunrise Industries, Business Opportunities in Australia (Sydney: Management Technology Education, 1983); 108-116.

52 ‘Innovation and Growth in Developing Countries’, United Malayan Banking Corporation Economic Review, (December) 1983; 4-11.

53* Capital Xenophobia – Controls of Foreign Investment in Australia (Sydney: Centre for Independent Studies, 1984). https://www.cis.org.au/publication/capital-xenophobia-australias-controls-of-foreign-investment/

54* ‘Productivity Growth and the Rejuvenation of Australian Capitalism – Lecture in Memory of Joseph A. Schumpeter’, Economic Papers, (December) 1984; 9-19.

55 ‘Policy Options in Australia’s Future’, The Practicing Manager (October) 1984; 29-32.

56 ‘Our Industrial Future – By Council or Competition?’, CIS Policy Report, Volume 1, No. 5 (October) 1985; 7-15.

57* with R. Blandy, P. Dawkins, K.G. Gannicott, P. Kain and R. Kriegler, Structured Chaos – The Process of Productivity Advance (Melbourne: Oxford University Press, 1985).

58* The Creation and Destruction of Jobs (Perth: Australian Institute of Public Policy, 1985).

59 ‘Industry Policy – On the Road to Corporate Serfdom’, United Malayan Banking Corporation Review, (December) 1985; 1-8.

60 ‘Australia’s Negative Growth Rate’, Institute of Public Affairs Review, (Autumn) 1986; 35-37.

61 ‘Economy and the National Defence Potential’ in Returned Services League, Defence Paper 1987, Is the Home Base Secure? (Canberra: RSL, 1987); 12-24.

62 ‘Structural Change for Economic Growth’, Economic Affairs, Vol. 6:5 (June-July) 1986; 8-13.

63 ‘Markets and Equity’ in J. Nurick et al., The Future of the Welfare State (Perth: Australian Institute of Public Policy, 1986); 55-76.

64 ‘The Case for Free Trade and Economic Growth’, Growth 35 (Sydney: Committee for the Economic Development of Australia, 1987); 103-122.

65 ‘Six Principles for a Market-Oriented Macro-Economic Policy’, Institute of Public Affairs Review (Spring) 1986; 21-23.

66 ‘The Case for an Independent Council of Economic Advisors’, Economic Witness, (14 October 1987); 1-6.

67 The Challenge of Economic Revival in Malaysia: Entrepreneurship and Third-Factor Growth, MIER Paper No. 5 (Kuala Lumpur: Malaysian Institute of Economic Research, 1987).

68 ‘Das Anpassungsverhalten der Anbieter als Zielvariable der Wirtschaftspolitik’, in M. E. Streit (ed.), Wirtschaftspolitik zwischen ökonomischer und politischer Rationalität, Festschrift für Herbert Giersch (Wiesbaden: Gabler Verlag, 1988); 123-142.

69 Economic Growth and Transformation in Malaysia, Occasional Paper No. 1 (Kuala Lumpur: Malaysian Economic Association, 1988).

70 with J. Bennett and R. Blandy, Fiji: Opportunity from Adversity? (Sydney: Centre for Independent Studies, 1988).

71 ‘The Fall and Rise of the ‘Economist King’?’, CIS Policy Report (October/November) 1988; 24-25.

72* ‘Immigration, Culture, Nationhood: Into the Next 200 Years’, Quadrant (December) 1988; 52-56.

73 ‘Fiji’s Major Economic Collapse’, Pacific Defence Reporter (February) 1989; 9-10.

74 ‘Fiji Needs Sympathetic, Conditional Help’, Pacific Defence Reporter (March) 1989; 11-12.

75* ‘Product Market Competition’, in C. Ullyat (ed.), The Good Fight – Essays in Honour of Austin Stewart Holmes (Sydney: Alen & Unwin, 1989); 105-124.

76 ‘An Asian Trade Bloc –– Neither Feasible nor Desirable’, Policy Report (December/January 1988/89); 1-3.

77 ‘Some Virtues of Speculation’, Economic Affairs (August/September) 1989; 21-24.

78* ‘Letter to a Chinese Student’, Economic Witness (17 June) 1989; 1-7.

79 ‘Why We Shouldn’t Have an Asian Trade Bloc’, National Farmer (14 July) 1989; p. 9.

80 Accelerated Industrial Evolution in East Asia: Some Lessons, Economics and Management Discussion Papers, No. 1/1989 (Campbell, ACT: Department of Economics and Management, UNSW, July 1989).

81 Economics and Politics in the South Pacific — An Outsider’s View, Economics and Management Discussion Papers, No. 2/1989 (Campbell, ACT: Department of Economics and Management, UNSW, July 1989).

… [translation from German original of: H. Giersch, The Ethics of Economic Freedom (Sydney: Centre for Independent Studies, 1989)]

82 ‘ Japanese Investment: Their Money, Our Terms’, Policy (Spring) 1989; 2-4. https://www.cis.org.au/wp-content/uploads/2015/04/images/stories/policy-magazine/1989-spring/1989-05-04-wolfgang-kasper.pdf

83 ‘Foreign Exchange: A Primer on Arbitrage and Speculation’, Banker’s Journal Malaysia(December) 1989; 42-47.

84 ‘The Japanese Challenge’, IPA Review (October-December) 1989; 10-12. https://ipa.org.au/wp-content/uploads/archive/1211160666_document_review1989_vol.43no.2.pdf

85 ‘Populate or Languish — New Zealand Immigration Policy’, Policy (Summer) 1989; 26-28.


86* Populate or Languish? Rethinking New Zealand’s Immigration Policy (Wellington: New Zealand Business Roundtable, July 1990) https://www.nzinitiative.org.nz/reports-and-media/reports/populate-or-languish-rethinking-new-zealands-immigration-policy/document/213

87 ‘Accelerated Industrial Evolution in East Asia: Lessons for Malaysia’, in: Lee Kiong Hock – Shyamala Nagaraj (eds.), The Malaysian Economy Beyond 1990 International and Domestic Perspectives (Kuala Lumpur: Persatuan Ekonomi, 1991); 59-120.

88 ‘Third World Debt: Commentary’, in: (Lord) P. Bauer, Third World Debt Crisis, Can’t Pay or Won’t Pay? (Sydney: Centre for Independent Studies, 1990); 18-24. https://www.cis.org.au/wp-content/uploads/2015/07/op31.pdf

89 with Sharon Jackson, Factor Mobility, Locational Innovation and Industrial Evolution in the Asia Pacific, Economics and Management Discussion Papers, No. 1/1990 (Campbell, ACT: Department of Economics and Management, UNSW, March 1990).

90 with Sharon Jackson, ‘The Asia-Pacific’s Attractiveness to Internationally Mobile Production Factors’, Malaysian Journal of Economic Studies, vol. xxvi: 1 (June) 1991; 65-83.

91* ‘Competition and Economic Growth: The Lessons of East Asia’, in H. Giersch (ed.), Money, Trade and Competition: Essays in Memory of Egon Sohmen (Heidelberg-New York: Springer Publishers, 1992), 279-304.

92* International Competitiveness and Location of Manufacturing Industries: A Global Perspective (Working Paper No. 1, Study on Automotive Competitiveness) (Canberra: ACIL, 1990) –– submitted to the 1990 Industry Commission Inquiry into the automotive industry.

93 Scenarios for Future Competitiveness: The Australian Automotive Industry (Working Paper No. 6, Study on Automotive Competitiveness) (Canberra: ACIL, 1990) – submitted to the 1990 Industry Commission inquiry into the automotive industry.

94 ‘The Defeat of Political Power – How International Factor Mobility is Ending the ‘Primacy of Politics’ over Economic Life’, Economic Witness (Perth: Australian Institute of Public Policy, 28 June 1990).

95 ‘Firing Up the Little Dragons’, Economic Affairs, vol. 11:1, Oct./Nov. 1990; 21-23.

96 ‘Fiji: Stalemate in Paradise’, Asian Wall Street Journal, 19 July 1990; p. 6.

97 ‘Review of Gallagher and Burkhardt, Our Economic Environment’, in Economics Education Resource Centre, Secondary Economics Textbook Reviews (Sydney: Centre for Independent Studies, 1990); 9-14.

98 ‘Global Monetary Trends: Lessons for Malaysia’, Merchant Bankers’ Association in Malaysia, Febr. 1991 mimeo.

99 ‘International Capital Mobility; How Attractive is Malaysia?’, Merchant Bankers’ Association in Malaysia, Febr. 1991; mimeo.

100* with G. Stevens, ‘Lessons from the Australian Monetary Reforms of the 1980s: Possible Pointers for Malaysia in the 1990s?’ Banker’s Journal Malaysia, No. 65, June 1991; 27-38.

101 Globalization, Locational Innovation and East-Asian Development, Working Paper PB91-02, Center for Pacific Basin Monetary and Economic Studies, Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco (San Francisco: Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco, 1991).

102 ‘International Factor Mobility – The Challenge to Be Attractive’, Seminar paper, Industry Commission (March) 1991, Asia-Pacific Studies Bulletin, No. 2 (Kensington: Centre for Applied Economic Research, University of New South Wales).

103 ‘The Economics and Politics of Development in the South Pacific: An Outsider’s View’, in: P.T. Bauer – S. Siwatibau – W. Kasper, Aid and Development in the South Pacific (Sydney: Centre for Independent Studies, 1991); 45-81 [edited version of number 83 above].

104 ‘Competitive Advantage in a Borderless World’, Policy (Autumn ) 1991; 38-40

105 ‘Axing Socialism – Why and How the East Europeans have Started the Task of the 1990s’, in: T. Riley (ed.), Structural Reform in the Australian Economy, Proceedings of National Economics Teachers Conference (Sydney: Economics Education Resource Centre, 1991), 142-172. – Later elaborated in: Axing Socialism – Why and How the East Europeans Have Begun the Task of the 1990s (Canberra: Department of Economics and Management, [May] 1991).

106 ‘Factor Mobility and Growth – What Can Queensland Do to Attract Capital, Skills and Firms from an Open, Competitive World Economy?’, Queensland Treasury Seminar Paper, mimeo [led to No. 112, 113 and 115 below].

107 ‘How to Maximise the Benefits of Direct Foreign Investment’, Economic Advisory Planning Council (EPAC), The Regulation of Capital Inflow, EPAC Discussion Paper 17 (Canberra: Australian Government Publishing Service, 1992), pp. 8.1-8.17. ISBN 0 644 24867

108* ‘Competition and Economic Growth: The Lessons of East Asia’, in H. Giersch (ed.), Money, Trade and Competition: Essays in Memory of Egon Sohmen (Heidelberg-New York: Springer Publishers, 1992) 279-304. ISBN 3 540 55125 5

109 ‘The Blessing of Market Capitalism’, Policy, (Spring) 1991; 55-56.

110 ‘The Case for Sustained Immigration’, IPA Review, vol. 44, no. 4, 1991; 53-55.

111 Macro-Outline, A Framework for Analysing an Interdependent, Open Macroeconomy (Canberra: Centre for Studies in Management and Logistics, 1991). ISSN 1036 6075

112* with Tom Nguyen, ‘What Does Competitiveness Mean for Australia?’, in: D.P. Doessel (ed.), Micro-Economic Policy and Reform for International Competitiveness (Brisbane: Economic Society of Queensland, 1992), 327-336. ISBN 0 959 1806 13

113 ‘How Can Eastern Europe Benefit from International Factor Mobility?’, seminar given at Warsaw (7/11/91) under the Australian Program for Training for Eastern Europe (APTEE), and at the Armed Forces University, Munich (11/11/91) in a seminar series on the ‘Future Role of a United Germany in Eastern Europe’.

114* with J. Bennett, S. Jackson and S. Markowski The International Attractiveness of Regions, A Case Study of the Gladstone-Fitzroy Region in Central Queensland – A Report to Queensland Treasury (Canberra: Centre for Studies in Management and Logistics), 1992.

115* ‘The Conditions of International Competitiveness – A Queensland Case Study’, in: D.P. Doessel (ed.), Micro-Economic Policy and Reform for International Competitiveness (Brisbane: Economic Society of Queensland, 1992), 315-326. ISBN 0 959 1806 13

116 ‘Government FOR Economic Prosperity’, address to the Annual C.R. Kelly Awards Dinner, 30 April 1992.

117 ‘Advancing into the 21st Century: Visions and Challenges Facing the Downunder Economy’, Australian Economic Review (Dec. ) 1992, 27-40. ISSN 0 004 9018

118 ‘Growth, Equity and Structural Transformation in Malaysia, a Comment’, World Bank Workshop, 19-21 Nov. 1992, East West Center, Honolulu, 1992.

* [translation from German original of: H. Giersch, ‘Labor, Wages, Productivity’, in H. Giersch, Openness for Prosperity: Essays in World Economics (Cambridge, Mass.: MIT University Press, 1993, 119-147]

119 ‘Spatial Economics’, in: D.R. Henderson (ed.), Fortune Encyclopedia of Economics (New York: Time-Warner Books, 1993), 82-86. ISBN 0 446 51637 6

120 ‘Globalisation and Immigration: Long-term Perspectives for New Zealand’, in NZ Business Roundtable (ed.), Towards an Enterprise Culture (Wellington: NZ Business Roundtable, 1993); 123-132.

121 ‘A Future for Economic Rationalism’, Policy, (Winter) 1993, 11-13. ISSN 1032-6634

122 ‘Development by Both State and Market’, Policy (Winter) 1993, 43-44. ISSN 1032-6634

123 ‘The Politics of Immigration: The ‘Growth Lobby’ and Business’, Bureau of Immigration Research, Conference on the Politics of Immigration, Brisbane, 24-25 May 1993; in BIR, Conference Proceedings.

124 ‘Business Support for Immigration Likely to Include Some Firm Conditions’, BIPR Bulletin, No. 9 (July) 1993, p. 27. ISSN 1036-1413

125* with M.E. Streit, The Institutional Foundations of Freedom and Prosperity. Lessons from the Freiburg School, CIS Occasional Papers (Sydney: Centre for Independent Studies, 1993). ISBN 0 949 769886

126* ‘Competitive Federalism: May the Best State Win’, in: G. Walker, S. Ratnapala, W. Kasper, Restoring the True Republic (Sydney: Centre for Independent Studies, 1993), 53-70. ISBN 0 949 769916

127 Institutional Innovation to Enhance International Attractiveness, Ec. & Management Discussion Paper 1/1993 (Canberra: Department of Economics and Management, University College, UNSW [August] 1993). ISBN 0 7317 02603

128 ‘Australian at a Price’, Sun Herald, 30/7/93.

129 ‘What Happened to Germany –– From Market Miracle to Sclerotic Stagnation?’, National Business Review (Auckland), 8 October 1993.

130 ‘Making Federalism Flourish’, in Samuel Griffith Society, Upholding the Australian Constitution, vol. 2 (Melbourne: Samuel Griffith Society, 1993), 167-181. ISBN 0 646 154397

131 ‘Employment Optimism’, IPA Review, vol. 46:3 (1993), 13-18. ISSN 1030-4177

132 ‘Jobs Levy Employs Poor Economics’, The Australian, 7 Dec. 1993, p. 9.

133 ‘Is Foreign Investment Good for Australia?’, in: R. Giles (ed.), For and Against: Public Issues in Australia , 2nd ed. (Sydney: Jacaranda Wiley, 1993), 134-138. ISBN 0 86440 452 2

134* ‘The Implications of Economic Development for Naval Power in the Pacific’, in H. Smith – A. Bergin (eds.), Naval Power in the Pacific: — Towards the Year 2000 (Boulder, CO-London: Lynne Rienner Publ., 1993), 15-39. ISBN 1 555 873588

135 ‘The International Competitiveness of Central Queensland’, Central Queensland Journal of Regional Development (Rockhampton: University of Central Queensland), (Summer) 1993/94, 4-6.

136 ‘Australia’s International Competitiveness’, Economics Education Review, vol. 5:1, (Jan./Febr.) 1994, 1-6.

137 Review of C. James, C. Jones and A. Norton (eds.), ‘A Defence of Economic Rationalism’, Australian Journal of Political Science, vol. 29 no. 1, March 1994, p. 189. ISSN 1036 1146

138* Global Competition, Institutions and the East Asian Ascendancy (San Francisco: International Center for Economic Growth, 1994). ISBN 1-55815-315-2

139 ‘The Calculus of World Competitiveness and Institutional Innovation’, Economic Analysis and Policy, vol. 24, 1 (March), 1994, 37-56. ISSN 0313-5926.

140 ‘Australia-East Asia 1994’, in Asia-Pacific Economics Group. Asia Pacific Profiles 1994 (Canberra: Asia Pacific Economics Group, Australian National University/Ernst & Young, 1994), 236-263. ISSN 1036-3793/ISBN 0 7315 1711 3.

141* ‘The East Asian Challenge — What Can Australians Offer their East Asian Neighbours?’ in H. Hughes, W. Kasper, and J. McLeod, Australia’s Asian Challenge (Sydney: Centre for Independent Studies, 1994), 17-34. – ISBN1 86432 000 1.

142 ‘High on the Reform Agenda: Competitive Federalism’, Policy (Spring) 1994, 10-14. – ISSN 10-11032-66344.

143 ‘Fat Cats and Cockatoos’, Independent Monthly, May 1994, 74-75.

144 ‘Keep the Doors Open!’, Sun Herald (op ed page), 27/6/94

145 ‘The Still Born Tiger Cub’, Independent Monthly, November 1994, 70-71.

146 ‘Standortwettbewerb und neo-konfuzianische Wirtschaftsordnung: Die ostasiatische Herausforderung’, Neue Zürcher Zeitung,, 31. Dez. 1994/ 1. Januar 1995, 25.

147 [(with ACIL), Shifting into Growth Gear: Enhancing the Competitiveness of South Australia, Report for the South Australian Development Council, Department of the Premier and Cabinet (Canberra: ACIL, 1995), unpublished]

148 Liberating Labour: The New Zealand Employment Contracts Act, Kiel Working Papers, no. 694 (Kiel: Institute of World Economics on behalf of the Bertelsmann Foundation, the Heinz Nixdorf Foundation and the Ludwig-Erhard-Foundation), July 1995 — ISSN 0342–0787.

150* (with M.E. Streit), ‘Das institutionelle Fundament von Freiheit und Wohlstand –– Lektionen der Freiburger Schule’, in M.E. Streit, Freiburger Beiträge zur Ordnungsökonomik (Tübingen: J.C.B. Mohr-Siebeck, 1995), 105-134. — ISBN 3-16-146454-0 [translation of item 125 into German].

151 ‘Fahrt in die Vollbeschäftigung — Eine Bilanz der neuseeländischen Employment Contract Act’, in Neue Zürcher Zeitung, 21-22 October 1995, 12.

152* Competitive Federalism: Promoting Freedom and Prosperity (Perth: Institute of Public Affairs/States Policy Unit, 1995) — ISBN 0 909536 49 X

152* Free to Work: The Liberalisation of New Zealand Labour Markets , Policy Monograph 32 (Sydney: Centre of Independent Studies, 1996). — ISBN 1-86432-012-5.

153 ‘On the Road to Full Employment, The Success of the New Zealand Employment Contracts Act’, Policy vol. 12:1, (Autumn) 1996, 3-7. — ISSN 10-11032-66344.

154* Competitive Federalism Revisited: Bidding Wars, or Getting the Fundamentals Right? (Perth: Institute for Public Affairs States’ Policy Unit, 1996). — ISBN 0 9095 36 55 4.

155 Federations: Competing Jurisdictions, Discussion Paper no. 05-96 (Jena: Max-Planck-Institute for Research into Economic Systems, 1996). — ISSN 0946-4972.

156 ‘Le regole del federalismo competitivo’, Biblioteca della Libertà, no. 134 (March-April) 1996, 29-57. ­

157 ‘A 2020 Vision for a Prosperous Central Queensland’, in D. Cryle et al (eds.), Futures for Central Queensland (Rockhampton: Central Queensland University Press, 1996), 3-8. — ISBN 1 875902 33 3.

158 ‘Neuseeland – Fahrt in die Vollbeschäftigung’, Trumpf Buur Zitig (Zürich, Switzerland) , no. 6/96, 2-5.

159 Die Befreiung des Arbeitsmarktes — Neuseelands Wirtschaft im Aufschwung (Gütersloh: Bertelsmann Stiftung, 1996). — ISBN 3-89-245-4.

also published as Kiel Working Paper no. 773 (Kiel: Institute of World Economics [Oct.] 1996). — ISSN 0342-0787.

160 ‘Libres para trabajar — La liberalización de los mercados de Nueva Zelanda’, (in a special issue of the) Revista del Instituto de estudios económicos (‘Libertad economómica y progreso, Aprender de los demás’, vol. II, no. 2/1996), Madrid, 1996; 70-157. — ISSN 0210-9565.

161 ‘Wellington zieht mit Erfolg in die Leistungsklasse ein. Neuseeland — Eine Bilanz der Wirtschaftsreformen’, Handelsblatt, 6 Jan. 1997, p. 6.

162 [editing & translation from German original of: H. Giersch, ‘Economic Ethics as a Competitive Asset’, in Hamlin-Giersch-Norton, Morality and Markets (Sydney: Centre of Independent Studies, 1996], 19-44. — ISBN 0 1 86432 020 6.

163* ‘Competitive Federalism for the Era of Globalization’, in G. Radnitzky-H. Bouillon (eds.), Voluntary versus Coercive Orders, volume 3, in the Avebury Series in Economics and Philosophy, Values and the Social Order (Aldershot: Avebury Publ., 1997); 477-502. — ISBN1 85972 399 3

164 ‘Commentary on Curzon Price’, in G. Radnitzky-H. Bouillon (eds.), Voluntary versus Coercive Orders, volume 3, in the Avebury Series in Economics and Philosophy, Values and the Social Order (Aldershot: Avebury Publ. , 1997), 439-444. — ISBN1 85972 399 3

165 ‘Responsibility and Reform –– A Conversation with Ruth Richardson‘, Policy (Spring) 1996, 25-31. ­­ ISSN 1032-6634.

166 ‘Das Modell Neuseeland’, Neue Freiheit, 28 Febr. 1997, vol. 10/97, p. 13.

167 ‘Nur ein konzentrischer Angriff auf alle Produktivitätshemmnisse verspricht Erfolg’, Welt am Sonntag,, # 18 (4 May 1997), p. 57 (no. 4 in the series ‘The Crisis of Capitalism’)

168 ‘The Right to Work: The New Zealand Experience’, in Fraser Forum (May) 1997, 2-13 — ISSN 0827-783.

169 ‘A Requiem for Economic Rationalism?’, Australian Financial Review, October 1997, 12.

170* ‘Free to Work: The Liberalization of New Zealand’s Labour Markets’, in Fazil Mihlar (ed.), Unions and Right-to-Work: Laws: The Global Evidence of Their Impact on Employment (Vancouver: The Fraser Institute), 149-214. –– ISBN 0-88975-179-X

171 ‘Economic Rationalism on the Skids’, Australian Financial Review, 8 December 1997.

172 ‘Right to Work: Job Creation New Zealand Style’, in Intereconomics, vol. 32:6, Nov./Dec. 1997, 293-300. — ISSN 0020-5346 (updated reprint of 168)

173 ‘Konkurentnyi Federalism, Printsipyi Konkurentivnoi Vlasty y Grazhdanskovo Kontrol’ (Competitive Federalism –– Rules for Administrative Creativity and Citizen Control’), Polutekohom/Politekonom, No. 2, 1997, 37-52.

174* ‘Ignorance, Discovery and Choice — A Requiem for Economic Rationalism?’, Australian Journal of Legal Philosophy , volume 22, 1997, 1-14 — ISSN 1440-4982.

175* ‘Transitions and Institutional Innovation, Reflections on the Current Economic Crisis’, Malaysian Journal of Economic Studies (June-December) 1997, 5-14, ISSN 1511-4445

176 ‘Neo-classical Economics Disappoints Capitalism’, The National Business Review, (New Zealand), 23 January 1998; p. 29 [edited reprint of 171].

177 ‘New Asian Generation on the Rise’, New Zealand Herald, 2 March 1998; p. A15.

178 Open for Business? — Australian Interests and the OECD’s Multilateral Agreement on Investment (MAI), Issues Analysis, No. 1 (27 April 1998) (Sydney: Centre for Independent Studies, 1998) — ISSN 1440-6306. https://www.cis.org.au/publication/open-for-business-australian-interests-and-the-oecds-multilateral-agreement-on-investment-mai/

179* Property Rights and Competition — An Essay on the Constitution of Capitalism (Sydney: Centre for Independent Studies, 1998) — ISBN 1 86432 034 6. https://www.cis.org.au/publication/property-rights-and-competition-an-essay-on-the-constitution-of-liberty/ [Revised, with a new Chapter 1, at https://www.networkforafreesociety.org/wp-content/uploads/2015/04/08_Kasper_EcFreed_Dev.pdf]

[180 ‘Regional Competition by Institutional Innovation’, Department of Economics and Organizational Sciences, University of the Armed Forces Munich, Theory and Policy of Regional Competition, Conference volume of the 11th European Studies Institute in Regional Science (Munich, Germany, 14-22 August 1998)].

181 ‘The Open Economy and the National Interest’, Policy (Winter) 1998, 21-26 — ISSN 1032-6634.

182 ‘Australia at a Crossroads?’, Policy. vol. 14:3, (Spring) 1998, 48-50.­­ — ISSN 1032-6634.

183 ‘International Competition and the Production of Institutional Capital’, in S.J. Gray – S. Nicholas (eds.) The Challenges of Globalisation, Proceedigns of the Inaugural Conference of the Australia and New Zealand Business Academy (ANZIBA), (Melbourne: Australian Centre for International Business, 13-14 Nov. 1998); 197-205. — ISBN 0 7334 0506 1

184* [with M.E. Streit], Institutional Economics: Social Order and Public Policy (Cheltenham, UK and Manchester, Mass., US: Edward Elgar , John Locke series, 1998). — ISBN 1 85898 941 8 [1999 also in a softcover/pocketbook edition]

185 [with Samuel Gregg], ‘Freedom is the Only Way to Prosperity’, Australian Financial Review (11 May 1999), p. 13. [reprinted in Policy, vol. 15:2 Winter, 1999, 10-12. — ISSN 1032-6634]

186 ‘Political Competition, Innovation and Growth — A Historical Analysis’, book review for Policy, vol. 15:1 (Autumn) 1999, 51-52. — ISSN 1032-6634.

187 ‘East Asia by the Year 2000 and Beyond’, book review for Asian-Pacific Economic Literature., vol. 13:1 (May) 1999, 79-80. — ISSN 0808-9935.

188 ‘Structural Change, Growth and ‘Social Justice’ — An Essay’, in [Australian] Productivity Commission, Structural Adjustment, Exploring the Policy Issues (Melbourne: Productivity Commission). 125-162 — ISBN 0 646 33594 1.

189 ‘Gateway Sydney’, in A. Andersson – D. Andersson (eds.), Gateway Regions of the World (Stockholm: Swedish Royal Institute of Technology, Division of Regional Planning, 1999), pp. 205-232 — ISSN 1104-683X

also published as: “Gateway Sydney––from the Tyranny of Distance to Strategic Hub’, in A.E. Andersson – D. E. Andersson (eds.), Gateways to the Global Economy (Cheltenham, UK-Northampton, MA, USA, 2000), pp. 207-234). — ISBN 1 8464 389 7

(also translated into Russian)

190* ‘Rapid Development in East Asia: Institutional Evolution and Backlogs’, Malaysian Journal of Economic Studies, vol. xxxv (1998): no. 1 & 2; 45-66 –– ISSN 1511-4445.


191 ‘History is on BHP’s Side’, Australian Financial Review, 27 January 2000; 17. https://www.afr.com/policy/economy/history-is-on-bhps-side-20000127-k96oy

192 ‘Handouts Only a Hindrance’, Australian Financial Review, 9 Febr. 2000, 17. https://www.afr.com/policy/handouts-only-a-hindrance-20000209-k99l0

193 ‘Institutional Deficiencies and the Future of Liberty and Prosperity in East Asia’, Indonesian Quarterly, CSIS (Jakarta, January 2000).

194 ‘A Recovery Plan for East Timor’, Policy, vol. 15, no. 4, Summer 1999/2000, 44-47 ­­– ISSN 1032-6634.

195 ‘Neuseeland: Das Primat der Politik auf dem Teststand’, Orientierungen zur Wirtschafts- und Sozialpolitik, Ludwig-Erhard-Foundation, March 2000.

196 ‘Are Industry Innovations Discovered in Summits or in Valleys?’, Policy, Autumn 2000, vol. 16:1, 48-52 ­­— ISSN 1032-6634.

197 Gambles with the Economic Constitution, The Re-Regulation of Labour in New Zealand, Sydney: Centre for Independent Studies, 2000 — ISBN 1 86432 050 8.

198 ‘Asia Shows Picking Winners is Just Peddling Snake Oil’, Evening Post, Auckland, NZ, 3 July 2000.

199 ‘Two Steps Forward, One Step Back, New Zealand’s Shaky Economic Constitution’, Policy, vol. 16:2, Winter 2000, pp. 13-18 ­­— ISSN 1032-6634. https://www.cis.org.au/wp-content/uploads/2015/04/images/stories/policy-magazine/2000-winter/2000-17-2-wolfgang-kasper.pdf

200 ‘The Evolution of Constitutional Qualities under the Influence of Global Competition’, in N. Berggren, N. Karlsson, J. Nergelius (eds.), Why Constitutions Matter (Stockholm: City University Press, 2000); pp. 213-232. — ISBN 91-7562-103-7.

201 Building Prosperity — Australia’s Future as a Global Player, Sydney: Centre for Independent Studies, 2000. — ISBN 1 86432 053 2. https://www.cis.org.au/publication/building-prosperity-australias-future-as-a-global-player/

202 ‘Invention, Innovation and Profitability’, Opening Address, Agribusiness Congress 2000 (16 August 2000, Melbourne), published at www.agribusiness.asn.au

203 ‘The Art of the Economy — Stability, Growth and Philosophy, Wolfgang Kasper talks to Heinz Arndt’, Policy, Spring 2000; pp. 24-28 ­­— ISSN 1032-6634.

204 ‘Institutionen als Entwicklungsmotor, Weedes Blick auf Asien und den Westen’, Neue Zürcher Zeitung, 11 August 2000, p. 59.

205 with M.E. Streit, ‘Institutionelle Systeme und wirtschaftliche Ordnung’, in M. E. Streit, Jenaer Beiträge zur Institutionenökonomik und Wirtschaftspolitik, Baden-Baden: Nomos Verlag, 2000; pp. 61-89. — ISBN 3-7890-7073-4

206* [with M.E. Streit], Zì Dù Jing Ji Xúe — Sè Hùi Zhi Xù Yu Gong Gòng Zèn Cè Institutional Economics: Social Order and Public Policy — Chinese translation of [184] (Beijing: Commercial Press, 2000). — ISBN 7-100-03093-5/F•386

207 Breaking the Trade Stalemate, What are Australia’s Options? Issue Analysis, no. 18, 12 February 2001 (Sydney: Centre for Independent Studies, 2001) — ISSN 1440 6306.

208 ‘Building Prosperity – Australia’s Future as a Global Player’, National Business Bulletin, vol. 10: 12 (Febr. 2001), 16-19. — ISSN 10364145.

209 ‘Weatherproofing Our Prosperity’, Policy, (Summer) 2000-01, 29-34 ­­– ISSN 1032-6634.

210 Towards Racial Harmony, A New Constitution for Fiji, Issue Analysis no. 19 (Sydney: Centre for Independent Studies, 5 March 2001). – ISSN 1440 6306. https://www.cis.org.au/publication/towards-racial-harmony-a-new-constitution-for-fiji/

211 ‘Bilateral Trade Pact the Way to Go’, Australian Financial Review, 13 March 2001, 51.

212* ‘Regional Competition by Institutional Innovation’, Malaysian Journal of Economics Studies, vol. 36, no.1, (June) 1999, 1-15.

213 ‘The Ascendancy of Economic Rationalism’, Show Cause, A Journal of the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, Sydney, University of New South Wales; no. 5, pp. 12-14. –– ISSN 1442-4266.

214 ‘Ordnungspolitischer Zerfall Downunder –– Interventionismus und Nationalismus finden in Australien wieder Anklang’, Neue Zürcher Zeitung, 14-15 April 2001, p. 29.

215 ‘How to Learn Racial Harmony? Fiji Would Benefit from Rules for a New Game’, Pacific Economic Bulletin (National Centre for Development Studies, Australian National University, vol. 16, no. 1 (2001), pp. 136-141. –– ISSN 0817-8038.

216 ‘Australia’s Global Future’, National Business Bulletin, no. 11:7, (Sept.) 2001, pp. 18-19 –– ISSN 10364145

217 ‘The Liberal Idea and Populist Statism in Economic Policy: A Personal Perspective’, H. Bouillon (ed.), Do Ideas Matter? (Brussels: Centre for the New Europe, 2001), 103-137. ­­­–– ISBN 75724-19-5

218 ‘Economic Literacy in One Mighty Lesson’, Policy (Winter), 2001, 45-49.

219 * ‘Immigration, Institutions, Harmony and Prosperity’, Quadrant, (Nov.) 2001, 6-10.

220 ‘Tried and True Way to Economic Growth’, Australian Financial Review, 6 Dec. 2001, 55.

221 ‘Economic Freedom Watch’, Policy (Summer), 2001-02, 37-43.

222 Review of ‘In Defense of Free Capital Markets’ (D.F. deRoosa) and ‘The Volatility Machine’ (M. Pettis), Policy (Summer), 2001-02, 57-59.

223 Economic Freedom Watch, Report No. 1, Centre for Independent Studies (21 Febr.), 2002. – ISSN 14446 5493.

224 ‘Die neue Völkerwanderung – Souveränität und Freiheit aus australischer Sicht’, eigentümlich frei, March 2001.

225 ‘Economic Freedom in Australia’, Policy, vol. 18:1 (Autumn), 2002; 63-64.

226* ‘The Evolution of Constitutional Qualities under the Influence of Global Competition’, in N. Berggren, N. Karlsson, J. Nergelius (eds.), Why Constitutions Matter (Transactions Press, 2002) [originally item 200 above].

Also on: http://www.transactionpub.com/cgi-bin/transactionpublishers.storefront/17757

227* ‘Rapid Growth, Institutional Evolution and Corporate Governance in Asia’, Asian Development Bank, Annual Meeting 2002, Shanghai; Forum on Corporate Governance in Asia, Conference Papers. http://www.adb.org/annualmeeting/2002/

228 ‘Nach dem Sündenfall: Schwerkraft, Transaktionskosten und Staat’, Erwägen, Wissen, Ethik (Deliberation, Knowledge, Ethics, formerly Ethik und Sozialwissenschaften), vol. 13, no. 3, 2002, pp. 282-384.

229 Economic Freedom Watch, Report No. 2, Centre for Independent Studies (21 Febr.), 2002. – ISSN 14446 5493.

230 ‘New Zealand Economic Growth: On the Road to Helsinki or Hobart?’ Keynote address, New Zealand Association of Economists, Annual Meeting, Wellington, 26-29 June, 2002. www.cis.org.au.

231 ‘Growth Needs Basic Rules’, The New Zealand Herald, 28 June, 2002.

232 ‘Job Creation and Job Destruction, A Beginners Guide’, Schools Brief, Policy (Winter 2002), vol. 18:2, pp. 58-62.

233 Review of In Defence of Global Capitalism by Johan Norberg, Policy, vol. 18:2, pp. 53-54.

234 Economic Freedom & Development –– An Essay about Property Rights, Competition and Prosperity (New Delhi: Centre for Civil Society, 2002). – ISBN 81-87984-05-8. [elaboration of item 230 above, also in Hindi]

235 “Der Ferne Westen”, eigentümlich frei, vol. 28 (Oktober 2002), 21-22.

236 Sustainable Immigration and Cultural Integration, Policy Monograph # 55 (Sydney: Centre for Independent Studies, 2002). –– ISBN 1 86432 068 0. https://www.cis.org.au/wp-content/uploads/2015/04/images/stories/policy-monographs/pm-55.pdf

237 Losing Sight of the Lodestar of Economic Freedom – A Report Card on New Zealand’s Economic Reforms (Wellington, NZ: New Zealand Business Roundtable). –– ISBN 1-877148-79-2. [elaboration of item 230 above]

238 [with D. Dutton] ‘Green Protectionism’, Policy, vol. 18:4, Summer 2002-03; 23-25. https://www.cis.org.au/wp-content/uploads/2015/04/images/stories/policy-magazine/2002-summer/2002-18-4-denis-dutton-wolfgang-kasper.pdf

239 ‘Economic Freedom – The “Haves'” and the “Have Nots”‘, Policy, vol. 18:4, Summer 2002-03; 26-33.

240 Review of: ‘Eric Jones, The Record of Global Economic Development’ (E. Elgar, 2002), Economic History Review.••••

241 “Keynote Speech: The Importance of Secure Private Property Rights”, to Canegrowers, Proceedings Handbook, Property Rights in Paradise Forum (Cairns, 8-9/4/03, 8-24).

242 (with D. Dutton) ‘Kyoto-Klima-Protokolle: Protektionism in Grün’, eigentümlich frei, no. 32, (Febr./March) 2003, 40-43. ­­ ISSN–1617-5336.

243 ‘In Defence of Secure Private Property Rights’, in Property Rights Australia, Proceedings, 1st Annual Conference and Annual General Meeting, Roma, 5 July 2003, 6-25.

244* In Defence of Private Property Rights, CIS Occasional Paper #84 (Sydney: Centre for Independent Studies, 2003). –– ISBN 1 86432 075 3. https://www.cis.org.au/publication/in-defence-of-secure-property-rights/

245 Economic Freedom and Development –– An Essay about Property Rights, Competition and Prosperity (Lagos, Nigeria: Institute for Public Policy Analysis, 2004).

246* ‘Spatial Economics, entry in: D.R. Henderson (ed.), The Concise Encyclopedia of Economics (Indiana: Liberty Fund, 2008); 468-471. https://www.econlib.org/library/Enc/SpatialEconomics.html

247* ‘Competition’, entry in: D.R. Henderson (ed.), The Concise Encyclopedia of Economics (Indianapolis: Liberty Fund, 2008); 73-76. https://www.econlib.org/library/Enc/Competition.html

248 ‘On the Asian Road to Freedom’, Quadrant, June 2004, 51-57. – ISSN 0033-5002.

249 ‘The Private Provision of All Security – One Liberal Mile Too Far’, Policy (Review Essay), vol. 20:2 (Winter), 2004, 49-55.

[‘Economic Freedom and Development: Applying the Lessons’, Mont Pèlerin Society, Regional Meeting, Sri Lanka, 10-15 Jan. 2004]

250 “Economic Performance” and “Economic Freedom”, in J. Buckingham (ed.), State of the Nation, An Agenda for Change (Sydney: Centre for Independent Studies, 2004), 121-146.

251 “Germans Bogged Down in Red-Green Quagmire”, Australian Financial Review, 12 July 2004.

252 “Land Use Rules Erode Freedom, Environmental Regulations Threaten Constitutional Rights Dating Back to Magna Carta,” The West Australian, 16 Sept. 2004, p. 17.

253 A Voluntary Free Trade Alliance, How to Overcome Hurdles in the Path of Traders and Investors, Issue Analysis no. 53, 9 Sept. 2004 (Sydney: Centre for Independent Studies) –– ISSN 1440 6306. https://www.cis.org.au/publication/a-voluntary-free-trade-alliance-how-to-overcome-hurdles-in-the-path-of-traders-and-investors/

254 “A New Free-Trade Alliance”, Australian Financial Review, 15 Sept. 2004, p. 62. – Also on: https://www.onlineopinion.com.au/view.asp?article=2617.

255 [‘Planning for Prosperity – Reflections on the Future of the Tibetan People’, unpublished manuscript, 2004.]

256 “John Locke, Philosopher of Distinction; Wolfgang Kasper salutes a progenitor of the great classical liberal tradition”, Australian Financial Review; Re/view, 29 October 2004, p. 10.

Reprinted and translated into Spanish as, ‘John Locke, Philosopher of Freedom, In Memoriam’, Eleutheria, (Guatemala City, otoño) 2005 <www.eleutheria.uf,.edu>.

256[sic] ‘Debt-Relief Sceptics Right’, Australian Financial Review, 18 Jan. 2005.

257 “A Great among Greats, Wolfgang Kasper celebrates Montesquieu,” The Australian Financial Review, Review, February 11, 2005, p. 12. https://www.afr.com/politics/a-great-among-greats-20050211-j89x3

258 ‘Grading Growth: Economic Growth is Worth Having’, Professional Life, autumn 2005, 17-18.

259 edited/translated from English to German: Ray Evans, “Der Transatlantische Graben”, Neue Zürcher Zeitung, 25 Febr. 2005.

260 “In Pursuit of Truth and Beauty, Review Essay about Charles Murray’s Human Accomplishment: The Pursuit of Excellence in the Arts and Sciences”, Policy, vol. 21:1, Autumn 2005; 52-55.

261 “Secure Property Rights –– the Foundation for Freedom and Prosperity”, Consilium (Aug.) 2005, Briefing Notes (Sydney: Centre for Independent Studies, 2005).

262* “Can Islam Meet the Challenges of Modernity?”, Quadrant, no. 516; vol. XLIX; 5; May 2005, 8-19.

263 “Glaube statt Kollaps”, CNE Montasmagazin, Centre for the New Europe, Nr. 6, Juni 2005, 1-4.

264 ‘Human Progress –– and Collapse?’, Energy and Environment, vol. 6, no. 3-4 (2005), 440-456.

265 “Hand-Outs Won’t Cure Poverty”, Australian Financial Review, 11 Oct. 2005, p. 63.

266* “How Best to Cope with Climate Change? – Economics 101 for Kyoto Fans”, in Sustainable Development Network, Carrots, Sticks, and Climate Change, A Primer on Down-to-Earth Ideas for Climate Change (London: International Policy Press, 2005); 25-57.

267* “Laws Create Thieves and Bandits”, The African Executive, 21-28 December 2005 (wwwe.africanexecutive.com/development) [in three sections].

268* “Local Autonomy – Healthy Local Democracy’, in: Independent Inquiry into Financial Sustainability of NSW Local Government (2006), Interim Report, vol. 2 (Sydney: Local Government Inquiry) [www.lgi.org.au].

269* Make Poverty History: Tackle Corruption, Issue Analysis, no. 67 (Sydney: Centre for Independent Studies, (Jan.) 2006) [identical with 267].

270 “Avoiding Climate ‘Control'”, The Wall Street Journal, 11 January 2006.

271 “Eliminating Corruption is Africa’s only Way out of Poverty”. Interview with Godwin Nnanna about aid and corruption, Business Day, Lagos, Nigeria (10/2/06), p. 24. [www.businessdayonline.com]

272 “Single-Desk Philosophy Reaps What it Sows”, Australian Financial Review, 10 Febr. 2006, p. 83. https://www.afr.com/policy/single-desk-philosophy-reaps-what-it-sows-20060210-jfvwo

273 ‘Mao, The Abhorrent Tyrant and How his Economic Legacy has Been Overcome’, Review Essay, Policy, vol. 22:1 (Autumn) 2006, 50-54.

274 (translation/editing of) D. Maxeiner–M. Miersch, Farewell to Liberty, Equality and Fraternity –– Is the Left Still on the Left?, Occasional Paper #103 (Sydney: Centre for Independent Studies).

275 ‘Councils Must Have Real Clout’, Australian Financial Review, 4 April 2006; p. 55.

276* Economic Freedom and Development, in International Policy Network’s Eureka Project [L. Whetstone-E. Wilson (eds.), Ideas for a Free Society –– The Eureka Project (International Policy Network, US Inc.)].

277 ‘Let Citizens Tackle Powerful Producer Lobbies to Get Free Trade Back on Track’, Cape Times (Capetown, South Africa), 9 August 2006; and under the title: “Doha Derailed under Self-Seeking Rulers” in Australian Financial Review, 14 August 2006, p. 63; under the title “Doha Derailed by Self-Seeking Interest Groups”, The Independent (NZ), 23 August 2006.

278 ‘Law without Government’, review of M. van Notten, The Law of the Somalis, in Policy, vol. 22, no. 3, (Spring) 2006, pp. 50-54.

279 ‘Mendicancy or Membership? The South Pacific and the World Community’, Quadrant, no 431, vol. L: 11); pp. 16-20

[paper originally presented to Future Proofing the Pacific, Conflicts with Global Forces in the 21st Century, Auckland, 30 August 2006].

280 ‘OverREACH from the UN and EU: Putting both Chemicals and Progress at Risk’, IPA Review, vol. 58, no. 4, (Dec.) 2006, 36-38.

281 ‘The Choice between Traditions and Openness to the World’, in University of Auckland, Pacific Futures Symposium: Preparing Pacific Communities for the 21st Century, 28-31 Aug. 2006 (Auckland: University of Auckland, 2007); 13-16.

282 ‘The Environment, Human Creativity and Sustained Prosperity”, in T. Daya-Winterbottom (ed.), Resource Management: Theory and Practice (Auckland: NZ Resource Management Law Association, 2007) ([2007] RM Theory & Practice); 38-68. –– ISSN 1177-1003

283 ‘Wirtschaftsgeschichte der Zukunft’ (Interview), CNE Monatsmagazin (Centre for the New Europe), May-June 2007, pp. 1-5.

284 ‘Australia’s Hollow Federalism: Can We Revive Competitive Governance?’, IPA Review, vol. 59:3, (Oct.) 2007, pp. 35-38.

285 ’50 Years of Sovereign Economic Development: Half Way Across the River”, Malaysian Institute of Economic Research (MIER), National Outlook Conference 2008-09 (Kuala Lumpur, 27-28 November 2007).

286 ‘From Franco to Freedom –– Reflections on Getting Reacquainted with Spain’, Quadrant, vol. LI: 11, no. 441 (Nov.) 2007, pp. 29-33. https://quadrant.org.au/magazine/2007/11/from-franco-to-freedom/

287* ‘The Political Economy of Global Warming, Rent Seeking and Freedom’, in: Civil Society Coalition on Climate Change: Civil Society Report on Climate Change (London: International Policy Press, 2007). pp. 77-96 – [ISBN 1-905041-15-2]. www.cscc.info/. PDF.

a. ‘When Thinking of Milton Friedman’, in M.L. Newman et al. (2007), Milton Friedman: A Tribute (Sydney: Centre for Independent Studies, 2008); pp. 31-35. https://www.cis.org.au/wp-content/uploads/2015/07/op106.pdf

288* ‘Spatial Economics’, D. R. Henderson (ed), Concise Encyclopedia of Economics (Indianapolis, IN: Liberty Fund); 468-471 [Revised version of [119] above] –– ISBN 978-086597-665-8.

289* ‘Competition’, D. R. Henderson (ed), Concise Encyclopedia of Economics (Indianapolis, IN: Liberty Fund); 73-76.

290 ‘Inflation Aplenty Already in the Pipeline’, Australian Financial Review, 11 March 2008.

291 ‘Rudd’s Summit Misses the Point of Policy’, IPA Review, (April) 2008

292 ‘The Culture of Prosperity”. review essay on Gregory Clark, A Farewell to Alms: A Brief History of the World, Policy vo. 24:3 (Winter) 2008, pp. 45-50.

293, 292 also published in Hebrew translation Kivunim, an Israeli “web magazine of ideas” www.kivunim.org.il, and in German translation, ‘Die Kultur des Wohlstands’, Merkur, vol. 62, no. 12, Dec. 2008, pp. 1132-1138.

294 ‘Reviving the Spirit of Federalism’, in R. Carling (ed.), Where To for Australian Federalism? (Sydney: Centre for Independent Studies, 2008), 37–42.

295 ‘Foreword’, S. Kirchner (2007), Capital Xenophobia II (Sydney: Centre for Independent Studies), vii-viii. https://www.cis.org.au/publication/capital-xenophobia-ii-2/

296* Radical Surgery: The Only Cure for New South Wales Hospitals, Policy Monograph #91 (Sydney: Centre for Independent Studies, 2009).

297 ‘Die absurden Annahmen und Tricks der Neoklassik: Warum man den VWL-Modellschreinern misstrauen sollte’, Neue Nachricht, 11 Aug. 2009<http://news.google.de/news?pz=1&ned=de&hl=de&q=VWL+Methodenstreit&cf=all&scoring=d>

298 “Rules versus Authorities in Monetary Policy by Henry C. Simons”, in C. Berg–A. Kemp (eds.), 100 Great Books of Liberty (Melbourne: Institute of Public Affairs, 2010).

299 “The Theory of Economic Development by Joseph A. Schumpeter”, in C. Berg–A. Kemp (eds.), 100 Great Books of Liberty (Melbourne: Institute of Public Affairs. 2010).

300 (with Jeremy Sammut), ‘Half a Cheer for Hospital Reform’, Australian Financial Review, 9 March 2010.

301 ‘Die Zukunft des Euro – Australischer Ökonom sieht das Scheitern”, Berliner-Journalisten.com. Unabhängiges Medienmagazin fuur Deutschland (20. Mai 2010) <http://www.berliner-journalisten.com/blog/2010/05/20/exclusiv-professor-wolfgang-kasper-zur-zukunft-des-euro/#more-9579>

302 (with Bill Coote), “Hospital and Health Care at Pambula” for Sapphire Community Health Development, mimeo (May 2010).

303 What’s Wrong with Neoclassical Orthodoxy? – An Overdue Methodenstreit (Wellington: Business Roundtable, 2010) – ISBN 978-1-877394-34-8.

304 ‘Radical Surgery: The Only Cure for New South Wales Hospitals’, in: J. Sammut (ed.), No Quick Fix: Three Essays on the Future of the Australian Public Hospital System (Sydney: Centre for Independent Studies, 2010), pp. 31-56.

305 ‘A Generation of Reform – and a Few Years of Backsliding’ (Mont Pelerin Society, Sydney, Oct. 2010), published in Quadrant, (April) 2011, 49-58. Also: http://www.quadrant.org.au/magazine/issue/2011/4/part-i-a-generation-of-reform.

306 الحرية الاقتصادية والتنمية
Arabic translation of ‘Economic Freedom and Development’, by Ali al-Haris, distributed by International Policy Network, London (September 2011)

307 The Merits of Western Civilisation, An Introduction (Melbourne: IPA, 2011). https://www.mannkal.org/downloads/events/WesternCiv2017/Western%20Civilisation%20-%20An%20Introduction.pdf

308 “Nothing New on the Euro Front,” Econ Lib (5 Dec. 2011). https://www.econlib.org/library/Columns/y2011/Kaspereuro.html

309 “The Real Beneficiaries of the Welfare State,” Quadrant, June 2012, pp. 42-48. <http://www.quadrant.org.au/magazine/issue/2012/6/the-real- beneficiaries-of-the-welfare-state> ––– also: Website of the German Hayek Society: Hayek Gesellschaft, e.V.: <http://www.hayek.de/verschiedenes>

310 “Nostalgia for Oppression,” Quadrant, (Oct.) 2012.

311 with M.E. Streit und P.J. Boettke, Institutional Economics: Property, Competition, Policies (Cheltenham, UK-Manchester, MA, US: E. Elgar).

312 Economic Freedom and Development, Revised 2013 Edition (London: IPN Eureka Project).

313 ‘A Pocket of Prosperity in the Alps’, Quadrant, no. 497, vol. LVII: 6, (June) 2013, pp. 50-57.

314 ‘Euro – Quo Vadis?’, on elgarblog.wordpress.

315 Book Review: Sowell: Intellectuals and Race, Policy, vol. 29:2 (Winter) 2013, pp. 62-64.

316 Mandarin translation of Economic Freedom and Development, originally published by the Centre for Independent Studies, in: L. von Mises, I. Kirzner, W. Kasper et al. (2013), Rationales of Property, Market and Competition {Chongqing: Chongqing Publishing House, in conjunction with the Cathay Institute of Public Affairs, Beijing). – ISBN:9787562472209

317 Mandarin translation of item 269 above ‘Make Poverty History’, originally published in 2006 by the Centre for Independent Studies, in: Rules for Economy, Law and Public Policy (Chongqing: Chongqing Publishing House, in conjunction with the Cathay Institute of Public Affairs, Beijing) – I S B N:9787562472209.
< http://product.dangdang.com/23269295.html#ddclick?act=click&pos=23269295_10_1_q&cat=&key=%B7%EB%D0%CB%D4%AA&qinfo=34_1_48&pinfo=&minfo=&ninfo=&custid=&permid=20130917173447440745227640949257969&ref=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.dangdang.com%2F%3F>

318 Mandarin translation of item 266 above, originally published by the International Policy Network in 2005, ‘How Best to Cope with Climate Change’, in: The Rules of the Economy, Legal System and Public Policy {Chongqing: Chongqing Publishing House, in conjunction with the Cathay Institute of Public Affairs, Beijing).

319 ‘The Politics of Poverty and Prosperity’ –– (Review Essay of Why Nations Fail: The Origins of Power, Prosperity, and Poverty by Daron Acemoglu and James A. Robinson), Policy, vol. 29:3 (Spring) 2013, pp. 42-49.

320 ‘The Gain from Pain in Spain’, Quadrant, no. 501, vol. LVII:11 (November) 2013., pp. 18-21. https://quadrant.org.au/magazine/2013/11/gain-pain-spain/

321 The Hardware and Software to Overcome a Middle-Income Trap. Policy Ideas No. 8 (Kuala Lumpur: IDEAS – Institute for Democracy and Economic Affairs, (Nov. 2013). <http:/ideas.org.my/?p=7345>

322 ‘Mass Migration Changing the World’, Book Review: “Exodus: How Migration is Changing Our World by Paul Collier”, Policy, vol. 29:4 (summer) 2013-14, pp. 55-58.

323 ‘The Importance of Economic Freedom in a Globalised World’. In J. Novak, 2014 IPA Economic Freedom Index (Melbourne: Institute of Public Affairs, Jan., 2014); pp. 23-37.

324 ‘Popes and Markets’, Letter to the editor, Quadrant, Dec. 1913.[sic, must look up date]

325 “The Myth of a Low Dollar. And the Tempting Road to Rio”, Quadrant (March) 2014, pp. 32-34.

326 “Where Switzerland?”, invited comment in the web publication of Avenir Suisse, St. Gall, Switzerland https://www.avenir-suisse.ch/en/where-switzerland/

327 ‘The Emergence of Free Exchange Rate Regimes – A Personal Account’, Policy, vol. 30, no 2, pp. 22-30.

328 أهمية الحرية الاقتصادية في عصر العولمة وولفغانغ كاسبر
The Importance of Economic Freedom in a Globalised World • By Wolfgang Kasper

329 Liberté économique et Développement, sur un CD intitulé <<Idées pour une société libre>> (London: Network for a Free Society (2014). [forthcoming 2015 in hard copy Paris: Éditions Coppet]

330 “Looking Backward for Constitutional Change,” Quadrant, vol. LIX, 1-2 (Jan.-February 2015), pp. 42-50. https://quadrant.org.au/magazine/2015/01-02/looking-backwards-constitutional-change/

331 Freedom and the New Development Economics, with special reference to West and Central Asia and North Africa (translated into Farsi) (London: IPN Eureka Project).

332 ‘Don’t Repeat Fraser’s Folly, Supply-Side Reforms are Required to Open up Dynamic Avenues of Economic Progress’, The Australian, 21 Dec, 2014. https://newsroom.unsw.edu.au/news/social-affairs/don%E2%80%99t-repeat-fraser%E2%80%99s-folly

333 The Case for a New Australian Settlement, Ruminations of an Inveterate Economist. Occasional Paper 141 (Sydney: Centre for Independent Studies, 2015). ISBN 9781922184511. https://www.cis.org.au/publications/occasional-papers/the-case-for-a-new-australian-settlement-ruminations-of-an-inveterate-economist/ and https://youtu.be/3XBZjpRh6KQ

334 Governments Cannot Choose what is Good for Us, SEAnet Perspectives, Issue no. 1 (Kuala Lumpur: Southeast Asia Network for Development-IDEAS, 10 July 2015) http://ideas.org.my/wp-content/uploads/2017/03/SEANET_issue-1_Governments-cannot-choose-what-is-good-for-us_RGB_foronline.pdf

335 ‘In the stranglehold of freedom-choking visible hands’, G. Schwarz¬ – K. Horn (eds.) Watch the Swiss, Insights and Outlooks from Abroad (Zürich: NZZ Libro), pp. 20-22 [=327 above].

336 [with Paul Kelly] ‘Australia’s Future in the Balance – Overcoming Antagonism and Reigniting Enterprise and Prosperity’, Policy, vol. 31:2, pp. 15-23. https://www.cis.org.au/publication/australias-future-in-the-balance-overcoming-antagonism-reigniting-enterprise-prosperity/

337 ‘How Ideas Spread’, Policy, vol. 31:2, pp. 45-48. https://www.cis.org.au/wp-content/uploads/2015/03/31-2-kasper-wolfgang.pdf

338 ‘America’s Moment – Creating Opportunity in the Connected Age’, book review, Policy, vol. 31:3, pp. 44-47.

339 ‘A Thousand-Year-Old City that Briefly Embraced the Thousand-Year Reich’, Quadrant, no 527, vol. LX:6 (June), pp. 60-65. https://quadrant.org.au/magazine/2016/06/thousand-year-old-city/

340 Review: ‘The Silk Roads: A New History of the World’ by Peter Frankopan’, Policy, vol. 32, no. 2 (Winter) 2016; pp. 66-68.

341 ‘May the Best-Run State Win’, Policy, vol.32:3 (Spring 2016), pp. 37-40. https://www.cis.org.au/wp-content/uploads/2016/10/32-3-kasper-wolfgang.pdf

342 ‘Sailing into a Storm Front – Unprincipled Democrats, pueri robusti and the Global Economic Order’, Policy, vol. 32:4 (Autumn 2017), pp. 33-41. https://www.cis.org.au/wp-content/uploads/2017/03/33-1-kasper-wolfgang.pdf

343 ‘Liberty, Prosperity and Peace in the Era of Populism’ address to the ‘Friedman17 Conference in Sydney, April 2017, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I0EkTbMwtKY

344 Review of J. Mokyr, ‘A Culture of Growth: The Origins of the Modern Economy’, Policy, vol. 33:2 (Winter 2017), pp. 57-60. https://www.cis.org.au/app/uploads/2017/07/33-2-kasper-wolfgang.pdf

345 ‘Bath Time in the EU’, Quadrant on Line, 14 Sept. 2017 <https://quadrant.org.au/opinion/qed/2017/09/bath-time-eu/>.

346 ‘Australia between Western and Eastern Civilisation – Now and in the Future’, address to the Mannkal Foundation Conference, Perth, 24 Nov. 2017. On YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BR9ZkL3s6co

347 Mandarin translation of # 311 (with M.E. Streit und P.J. Boettke), Institutional Economics: Property, Competition, Policies (Cheltenham, UK-Manchester, MA, US: E. Elgar), by Commercial Press, Beijing (商务印书馆; Shāngwù Yìnshūguǎn), Beijing.

348 ‘The Role of Entrepreneurs and Government in Australia’, address to the Bastiat Society/Liberal Party, Vaucluse Branch (5 July 2016) https://ipa.org.au/publications-ipa/research-papers/role-entrepreneurs-government-australia

349 Book Review: ‘Americana: A 400-Year History of American Capitalism’, Policy, vol. 33:4 (Summer 2017-18), pp. 60-62.

350 ‘The Merits and Perils of Western Civilisation’, Quadrant, no. 545, vol. LXII:4 (April 2018), pp 16-25. https://quadrant.org.au/magazine/2018/04/merits-perils-western-civilisation/

351 ‘An Invitation to Optimism’ [A Review of S. Pinker’s Enlightenment Now], Quadrant, no. 546, vol. LXII:5 (May 2018), pp. 69-72. https://quadrant.org.au/magazine/2018/05/invitation-optimism/

352 ‘The Atavistic Assault on Liberalism’ [A Review of Mario Vargas Llosa’s La llamada de la tribu], Quadrant, no. 548, vol. LXII: 7-8 (July-August 2018), pp. 99-102. https://quadrant.org.au/magazine/2018/07/theatavistic-assault-liberalism/

353 Libertad económica y desarrollo (Caracas, Venezuela: Cedice Libre Iniciativa, La Librería, 2018)

354 ‘Does Western Civilisation Have a Future?’ CIS Occasional Papers, no. 170 (Sydney: Centre for Independent Studies) https://www.cis.org.au/publication/does-western-civilisation-have-a-future/

355 Does Western Civilisation Have a Future? Policy Paper no. 17 (Sydney: Centre for Independent Studies, Febr. 2019)

356 ‘A Realistic Migration Policy for the Age of Globalisation – A Serial Migrant’s Recommendations’, keynote address at the Texas Meeting of the Mont Pelerin Society (Fort Worth, 20 May 2019)

357 ‘The Epochal Challenge of Mass Immigration’, Quadrant, vol. LXIII, no. 9 (September), pp. 26-30. [edited version of # 356] https://quadrant.org.au/magazine/2019/09/the-epochal-challenge-of-mass-immigration/

358 ‘Masseneinwanderung, Populismus und Freiheit’, blog of the Austrian Hayek Institute, Vienna [extended translation of # 356]. https://www.hayek-institut.at/masseneinwanderung-populismus-und-freiheit/

359 ‘Wie sollte eine rationale Einwanderungspolitik beschaffen sein?’, website of Deutsche Hayek Gesellschaft e.V. [an extended translation by myself of # 356, edited for the Hayek Society, Berlin].

360 ‘The Price of Rubber, 1970s Style’, Quadrant, no. 562, vol. LXIII:12 (Dec. 2019), pp. 52-53. https://quadrant.org.au/magazine/2019/12/the-price-of-rubber-1970s-style/

361 ‘Understanding and Misunderstanding China’, Quadrant, vol. LXIV: 4 (March 2020), pp. 76-82. https://quadrant.org.au/magazine/2020/03/understanding-and-misunderstanding-china/

362 ‘India’s Trinity of Troubles’, Quadrant, vol. LXIV:5 (May 2020), pp. 26-30. https://quadrant.org.au/magazine/2020/05/indias-trinity-of-troubles/

363 [with IPA team] IPA Looking Forward Podcast, Episode 65 on ‘Liberalising Australia: Then and Now’, 26 May, 2020), 1 hr. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OcPDmFhCfhk

364 ‘Xi Who Must, for Now, Be Obeyed’, Quadrant-Online, 20/6/2020 https://quadrant.org.au/opinion/qed/2020/06/xi-who-must-for-now-be-obeyed/

365 ‘Mobilising the Supply Side is our Best Escape from the Corona Slump and the PRC’s Grasp’, IPA Review (Winter) 2020. https://ipa.org.au/ipa-review-articles/prosperity-is-the-best-protection

366 ‘Dealing with China’s Turn to the Dark Side’, Quadrant, vol. LXIV: 12 (Dec. 2020), pp. 66-71. https://quadrant.org.au/magazine/2020/12/dealing-with-chinas-turn-to-the-dark-side/

367 ‘Don’t be Fooled by MMT Trickery’, Australian Financial Review, 11 Jan. 2021, p. 38. https://www.afr.com/policy/economy/don-t-be-fooled-by-mtt-trickery-20210107-p56sga

368 ‘The Power of Knowledge and the Forces of Ignorance’, Quadrant, (Sept), Vol. LXV:9 (Sept.), pp. 58-63. https://quadrant.org.au/magazine/2021/09/the-power-of-knowledge-and-the-forces-of-ignorance/

369 ‘Public Debt, Easy Money, Unjust Inflation’, Taxpayers’ Research Foundation, Tax Policy Journal, 2021, pp. 14-19.

370 ‘RBA Should Stick to Fighting Inflation, and Nothing Else. Monetary Policy Isn’t a Swiss Army Knife’, Australian Financial Review, 20 Dec. 2021. https://www.afr.com/policy/economy/rba-should-stick-to-fighting-inflation-and-nothing-else-20211220-p59iyh

371 ‘New Discoveries in the Cradle of Civilisation’, Quadrant, vol. LXVI: no. 1-2 (Jan.-Feb.) 2022, pp. 57-63. https://quadrant.org.au/magazine/2022/01/new-discoveries-in-the-cradle-of-civilisation/

372 ‘The Story of the Wuhan Flu’ (Review of a book by Liao Yiwu), Quadrant, vol. LXVI:3 (no. 584) (March 2022), pp. 87-89. Also: Quadrant Online, 27 Febr. 2022. https://quadrant.org.au/magazine/2022/03/the-story-of-the-wuhan-flu/

373 ‘Growing Up under Mao’ (Review of Amei Li, Pink Flower), Quadrant, vol. LXVI:4 (no. 585) (April 2022), pp. 77-79. Also: Quadrant Online, 14/2/2022. https://quadrant.org.au/magazine/2022/04/growing-up-under-mao/

374 ‘The Arduous Path Back to Stability and Growth’, Quadrant, vol. LXVI, no. 9, pp. 64-67. https://quadrant.org.au/magazine/2022/09/the-arduous-path-back-to-stability-and-growth/

375 [with J. Bennett] ‘Inflation – An Ill Wind’, IPA Review, vol. 74:3 (Spring 2022); pp. 22-30. https://ipa.org.au/ipa-review-articles/25831

376 ‘Weimar: Intoxication and Calamity’, Quadrant, vol. LXVI, no. 12, pp. 87-89. https://quadrant.org.au/magazine/2022/12/weimar-intoxication-and-calamity/

377 ‘Russia: Revolution and Civil War’, Quadrant, vol. LXVII, no. 3, pp. 87-90. https://quadrant.org.au/magazine/2023/03/a-mighty-russian-mess/

378 ‘Hydrogen in the Mix’, The Spectator / Australia, 27 May 2023. https://www.spectator.com.au/2023/05/hydrogen-in-the-mix/