This document was republished with a new introduction in John Singleton, True Confessions (Stanmore: Cassell Australia, 1979), pp. 140-55, as “The Workers Party (Later Progress Party)”.

Most of the stuff in this book is stuff I did to make a quid for my clients or me or mostly both.

But somewhere along the line I also decided to pour back something into this potentially greatest of all nations.

It was obvious to me that most individuals and companies were being drained of incentive by excessive government regulations and taxes.

It also became obvious to me during the Whitlam-Snedden federal election that about the only difference between the Labor and Liberal parties was the difference between death by hanging or shooting.

Not a top choice.

Therefore I made the considered decision to form a new national political party with the genuine and only alternative of total free enterprise. The real thing; just like Coke. I was the founder chairman for the first two years.

I knew we wouldn’t win an election or probably even a seat, (I was dead right), but the prime objective of the party was to make people think; to become a tool of education and I believe to that degree at least the party was successful.

At least most of the public thought and having thought agreed if I wasn’t crazy at least I was a fair way down the track.

How times change.

Now, in 1978, we have the government tax revolt come true in California.

We have seen al the Sydney Murdoch media start their own tax revolution. Even stickers on all the cars in town.

And now when I look back on the policies of the Workers Party I see them all inevitably coming true or at least obvious.

For example I ask you to take a look at the Workers Party economic policy for the December 1975 election.

I know most of you will give this bit a flick and go straight to the conclusion.

But if you do give your mind five minutes serious work you might actually learn something important.

And if you start to understand you can then read my Rip Van Australia book which will be very nice for all concerned.

You see the whole Workers Party was based on one fundamental principle: that no man or group of men has the right to initiate force, fraud or coercion over any other man or group of men; and groups of men are, after all, just what governments are.

It might have all been publicised as a bit right wing lunatic fringe at the time.

But now it just seems like common sense which it was. And best of all I reckon there’s a chance it might even come true; just before it’s too late.

INTRODUCTION [from the original 1975 document]
Australians should be the richest people in the world, but only if the Australian government followed a consistent, rational and far-sighted economic policy impartially designed to further the common interests of all Australians.

The so-called major parties of Australian politics are so busy chasing the power, the glory and the perks, that Australian economic “policy” is formed merely to buy votes at election time, or to buy off pressure groups the rest of the time.

Workers Party economic policies are the only policies which could:

  1. reduce inflation and unemployment immediately;
  2. eliminate inflation completely within three years; and
  3. provide the framework for long-term economic growth and prosperity.

Inflation is caused by the government spending more than it receives, printing the difference and calling it a “deficit”. A WP government would cut the deficit to only $1 billion in the first year, and eliminate it thereafter.

Inflation can be stopped only if Medibank is abolished. A WP government would eliminate Medibank, as well as a number of other unnecessary government departments, and would cut other government spending (except pensions and defence) by 5%.

A WP government would stimulate business and consumer confidence by immediately abolishing sales tax, and would lift private investment enormously by abolishing the 30/20 rule, which forces insurance companies to invest half their assets in non-productive government securities.

A WP government would also:

  1. restructure the public service so that the cost of government would be reduced instead of increased, and
  2. undertake a number of fundamental reforms to improve the efficiency and competitiveness of business, increase consumer choice, create many more job opportunities for Australians, and improve everyone’s standard of living.

No other political party is willing to face Australia’s economic problems clearly and forthrightly. Australia’s economic crisis has been caused by years of Labor and Liberal misrule. Neither of those parties will solve the crisis which is their joint creation.

Unless inflation is reduced immediately and dramatically no possibility of long term economic prosperity exists. The Workers Party would eliminate inflation within three years of obtaining office. If in government now we would:

Reduce the deficit immediately to $1 billion for the coming financial year, and eliminate it entirely the second year. As long as governments continue to run deficits, inflation will continue for deficit spending is the root cause of inflation.

A secondary cause is credit expansion by the banking system. The Workers Party, through the Reserve Bank, would follow appropriate policies to end credit expansion.

The deficit would be cut by the following measures:

The abolition of Medibank with three months notice.

All government regulations which enforce the types of benefits that private health insurers can offer would be eliminated. With the elimination of government restrictions, competition between insurers would generate many new types of benefit, including true insurance rather than mere subsidy schemes. Very few Australians cannot afford to insure themselves against severe medical expenses, just as few cannot afford motor car insurance (which is much more expensive that medical insurance need me). A Workers Party government would assist initially in the payment of premiums to those people in genuine financial hardship.

A Workers Party government would also abolish the RED and NEAT schemes, transferring these people to the unemployment rolls where they should be. The Prices Justification Tribunal, the Department of the Media, the Department of Minerals and Energy, the Department of Urban and Regional Development, the Department of Tourism and Recreation, and the Department of the Special Minister for the State would also be abolished as they are unnecessary. The few necessary functions of these departments, such as the Bureau of Mineral Resources, would be transferred to other departments.

To stimulate investment and employment, to restore business and consumer confidence, the Workers Party would abolish sales taxes, eliminate provisional tax, undistributed profits tax on private companies, and the 30/20 rule which requires insurance companies to keep a portion of their assets in government securities. This policy would cause the prices of motor cars, television sets, refrigerators and so on to fall dramatically, stimulating sales and production in these fields, increasing the total market for these goods and increasing employment in the production and distribution of these goods. The elimination of provisional tax and undistributed profits tax would increase the funds available to small and medium businesses, thereby insuring that this crucial sector, employing over 50% of the workforce, was not destroyed. By eliminating the restrictions on the investments of insurance companies, enormous quantities of money would be released into the stock markets, bond markets and other areas of investment, stimulating employment and setting the ground for future prosperity.

The Workers Party would also abolish Death Duties and Gift Duties which are completely iniquitous.

In addition, a Workers Party government would order a minimum 5% cut in all other government expenditure (except defence and pensions). This would be achieved by eliminating Public Service overtime, new recruitment and such economies as those put into effect by Mr Whitlam’s government in November 1975.

The Workers Party government would also abolish exchange controls and allow the Australian dollar to float freely without Reserve Bank intervention.

The figures (from 1975-76 Budget):

Anticipated Deficit: $2798 million.

Plus Income cuts:
Abolition of sales tax $1425 million
Abolition of estate duty $75 million
Abolition of gift duty $17 million
TOTAL $1517 million

TOTAL DEFICIT $4315 million

Less Spending cuts:
Medibank $1445 million
DURD $303.7 million
PJT $2.4 million
Special Minister for State (6.2) $2 million
Media $2.8 million
Minerals and Energy (200) $150 million
Tourism and Recreation $2.2 million
NEAT $52.9 million
RED $135 million
5% Reduction in other expenditure $1200 million
TOTAL $3296 million

Reduction in deficit: from $2798m to $1019m

Note: These figures are based on the published 75-76 budget papers. They would vary as much as the budget has varied since it was introduced.

Public Service

The recent, if temporary, shortage of money in Canberra shows the economies can be made by government. However, without some fundamental changes in the public service the government bureaucracy will continue to grow and expand without limit. Many of the jobs done by the public service need not be done at all. Many of the people in Canberra do nothing but shuffle paper around, are not really needed, and would be better occupied in private enterprise.

The basis of the public service is archaic. We inherited the British system which grew up in the 19th century when public service department were very small, and the Minister of the department was in touch with most of the activity that was going on. Today, the public service has grown far too big for any Minister to be in touch with all aspects of its administration. More and more power has been delegated to public servants, but there has been no corresponding delegation of responsibility for they are above the law. In theory, the Minister is responsible for everything that goes on in his department. However, there is no means by which the Minister can be held responsible. Public servants should take responsibility for the power they exercise. So, where power has been delegated from a Minister to a public servant, the Workers Party would ensure that the public servant was held accountable for his actions.

No person can be held responsible for his actions unless he can be fired if he fails to fulfil his responsibility. The “security of tenure” provision which theoretically protects the public servants from political pressures is no longer tenable. This provision was only reasonable when the Minister could effectively take responsibility for his department.

Towards every June 30th we have the absurd spectacle of government departments spending the remaining balances of their allocations as quickly as possible, in attempts to ensure that their funds are not cut in the following year. This is but one example of the absurd waste that goes on in government.

The Workers Party believes that necessary government jobs should be as challenging and satisfying as jobs anywhere else. Bureaucratic red tape not only annoys everyone dealing with the public service, but it also multiplies the cost of government and reduces the job satisfaction of public servants.

A Workers Party government would re-organise the public service along business lines. In a business, managers are responsible for framing their budgets and ensuring their alloted jobs are accomplished. A Workers Party government would invite senior public servants to define the jobs that they do, determine the budgets required to do them — and, seek the cheapest means of performing them. Once agreement had been reached between the government, its employees, the public servants would be responsible and accountable for fulfilling their tasks. Where they failed to do so, their continued appointment would be questioned.

Where they achieved their targets while spending less than their alloted budget, they would receive a bonus, based on the sum of money saved. Naturally, in the following year, the budget would be reduced appropriately.

The Workers Party would eliminate duplication or triplication. For example, the Department of Education duplicates many of the functions that are also performed by Technical Colleges, Schools, Universities and so on. It interferes with the people who should be developing courses and establishing syllabuses and has in many areas a veto power over the jobs that can be done best by the Schools, Colleges, Universities themselves. There are many other areas where two or more departments are doing the same job and simply getting in each other’s way.

A Workers Party government would open many areas of public administration to competitive tender from private enterprise — such things as the handling of the pension cheques, payrolls and so on, can be done more efficiently and more cheaply by private enterprise than by government departments.

Ensuring these fundamental changes within the public service would go a long way to reducing the actual expenditure of government and therefore the burden of government on society, while not reducing the total extent of government and government action in the short term. The Workers Party would progressively reduce the functions government performs wherever they can be better performed by private enterprise and voluntary action.

Budget Practice
It is currently governmental practice to bring the budget down in August even though it applies from the previous July 1st. The budget is shrouded in unnecessary secrecy so that the public cannot effectively debate its contents at all. A Workers Party government would bring the budget down at least 90 days before it was due to go into effect. Further, any proposed tax increase, and any proposed deficit would be put to the people in a referendum, so that the people’s voice could be heard on these substantial issues. In the event that the people, by referendum, rejected any proposal, the government would have to reduce its programs in some way to comply with the people’s wishes.

Tariffs & Subsidies
Tariffs or subsidies would never be increased by a Workers Party government. Furthermore, a Workers Party government would commission the I.A.C. to produce, within four months, a detailed program to reduce and eventually abolish all tariffs and subsidies. The Workers Party government would ensure that any change occurred as smoothly, but yet as rapidly as possible.

Law Reform
Successive governments have increasingly delegated the power to make laws (through regulation) to various government departments. In addition, they have set up many tribunals which make a mockery of the principle that there should be equality before the law. The Workers Party proposes a comprehensive reform of the legal system to reduce the powers of such tribunals — and eliminate them as and when possible; to restrict common law as the fundamental basis of the legal system; and to reduce statute law to an absolute minimum.

The legal system is far too complex. It has become a lucrative field for lawyers, rather than being a means of protecting human rights. This results from two causes: firstly, that every law contains many exceptions, and the immunities thus created to some groups, (primarily government departments or agencies), mean that some people are above the law. The Workers Party sees this as unjust. The Workers Party insists that the law should apply equally to everybody and that should include governments and the agencies of governments. Secondly, most laws are made as a result of short term pressures, but without consideration of their long term effects. Thus, many archaic and conflicting laws are still on the books. The Workers Party would resolve this situation by requiring that every law would be re-enacted every ten years. The Workers Party would also make it illegal for governments to pass retroactive legislation.

The first law that a Workers Party government would change is the Restrictive Trade Practices Act. This Act is a good example of the problems Workers Party policies would solve. It is badly drafted, gives power to a tribunal with limited scope for appeal, and many organisations, especially the agencies of government, are excluded from its provisions.

A Workers Party government would amend the Restrictive Trade Practices Act to eliminate immunities; to provide that the law could be enforced through civil action by aggrieved parties (rather than government action); and would alter the application of the law, so that any person who is the victim of, for example, misrepresentation or fraudulent advertising, or who has been sold goods under false pretences would be able to seek civil action for re-dress and all contracts entered into by mutual agreement are protected from restrictive practices — whether of government or other organisations.

The Workers Party supports the basic principles of the Australian Union Movement. A union is an organisation which exists for the mutual protection of its members from unfair practices on the part of employers or other parties and which seeks to improve the conditions of its members. But, unions and all other organisations should not be able to use methods which transgress the rights of others.

The Workers Party advocates that unions should be subject to the same laws as any other persons and organisations.

Unions as a group have been granted privileges by governments at the expense of other members of the community — and often at the expense of their own members. The Workers Party fully supports any organisation whose membership is voluntary, and would ensure that any individual who chose not to join any organisation, including a union, would have the full protection of the law in gaining re-dress against persons using force, or the threat of force against him. Individuals would be free to bargain with each other, with employers, with employees, individually or collectively — as they chose. No government should be permitted to intervene in negotiations between any two parties, except to protect fundamental human rights.

This is what should happen. But we all know it does not.

The unions are run by a few men, and the average rank and file members are afraid to cross them — too often with good reason.

Because of this situation, and because the unions have consistently violated the rights of employers, their members and the public, the Workers Party would, in self-defence institute for an initial two year period, compulsory secret ballots for all elections and strike decisions.

Government Monopolies
Of all the restrictive trades excluded from the Restrictive Trade Practices Act the most iniquitous are those monopolies enforced by government at the expense of taxpayers. The Workers Party would act to remove the restrictions which inhibit competition in areas such as the Post Office, telephones, communications (where government monopolies are noted for their inefficiencies and high costs to the public) and so on.

Monetary Policy, Banking, Foreign Investment & Foreign Exchange
A Workers Party government would follow a “hard money policy”. It would ensure that the purchasing power of the Australian dollar remained stable over time. A sound currency without inflation would provide the basis for rapid and substantial development of the Australian economy. The immediate abolition of foreign exchange control, restrictions on foreign investment and a relaxation of the controls on the banking industry (in particular the regulations which prevent the establishment of new banking companies) would increase enormously the funds available within Australia for investment purposes. The possibility of an Australian ownership of all spheres of Australia-based enterprise could then become a reality.

As a consequence of these policies, Australia would rapidly become one of the world’s most significant money centres. Funds would be attracted from all over the world by the stability of the Australian dollar and by Australia’s enormous growth potential. There would be a considerable expansion of portfolio investment in Australia from overseas, and a significant increase in the funds available for loan purposes to private industry. As already happens in Switzerland, many people would then place money in Australia to protect it from inflation in other countries. The sum total of these measures, in a period of twelve months, would be to substantially increase investment (and therefore jobs) in Australia, and to create an entirely new industry — an international money market and a new banking sector.

Job opportunities available to all Australians would increase as would the standard of living of all Australians.

As these policies took effect, not only would the wealth of the country increase and therefore the revenue of government from taxation, but the actual size of government would reduce, the cost of government would fall, and its efficiency would rise, and, therefore tax rates could be cut considerably.