Policy speech delivered by Mr David Russell, leader of the Workers Party Queensland Senate Team, on Brisbane Television, December 6, 1975.

Whatever else happens as a result of next Saturday’s election, one thing is certain: nothing much will change, no matter which party wins.

During this campaign, politicians of all parties have promised everything to everyone. When a politician offers you his own money for your vote, it’s called bribery and is not allowed, so our politicians have come up with a new idea: instead of offering us their money, they offer us our own back, they get our money in the first place by imposing taxes on us.

Australia is the greatest and richest country in the world, so there’s no reason for us to have the problems we do have. Almost all Australia’s problems today are a result of our politicians promising us too much in order to win votes and elections because once the election is over the winning party has to carry out its promises. If it wants to balance the budget, it must either raise taxes or think of something new to tax, and that’s getting pretty hard to do as we are already amongst the most highly taxed people in the world. We have taxes on income, taxes on capital, taxes on gifts, taxes on beer, cigarettes and petrol and even taxes on death. It’s gotten to the stage now where the average man works two days out of every three for the government, and only one day for himself.

Since politicians can’t think of any more new taxes or are afraid to impose them because they’ll lose votes, they just spend money they haven’t got. And that is what causes inflation. If you or I spend more than our income, we can either go bankrupt or work a lot harder for more money, or we can beg, borrow or steal some money — or print it.

However, when governments spend more than their income they can’t work harder to produce more because they produce nothing. They daren’t take any more in taxes. So instead, they print more money and they call it either “deficit spending” or “an increase in the money supply.” It’s really just legalised counterfeiting.

Money is like any other commodity, like tomatoes for example. If there’s a glut of tomatoes, then the price of tomatoes drops. If there’s a glut of money caused by governments printing more, then the price of money — what it will buy — drops. And in the last three years, over sixty billion dollars worth of money rolled off the printing presses.

When the value of money drops, it buys fewer goods, and we need more money to pay for food, clothing and housing, so we need more wages. But higher wages mean higher taxes and higher prices for the goods and services we require, so once again we need more money to pay for our food, clothing and housing and so on and on it goes. Governments cause the whole problem and reap the most benefit in added taxes.

Anything which governments cause, they can stop. But because inflation helps our politicians pay for their election promises, all of them, Liberal, National or Labor, have a vested interest in not stopping it, so long as they can convince us that someone else is to blame, so they claim that it’s imported from overseas, or that it’s caused by greedy trade unionists, or by greedy shopkeepers.

That’s untrue. It is caused by greedy people: politicians so greedy for office that they ignore the interests of Australia while they rush round promising us handouts paid for by our own money.

This election, so many promises have been made by both major parties that no matter which side wins, we’ll all pay higher taxes and have higher inflation. The choice is only the choice of being robbed by either Ned Kelly or Bonny and Clyde, and that’s not much of a choice.

There is a third choice — the Workers Party. The Workers Party is the only party which believes in balanced budgets and less taxation. Our published economic policy sets out in detail how in one year the budget deficit could be cut to one billion dollars, and eliminated thereafter, and how at the same time we could abolish all death duties, gift duties, and sales taxes.

It can be done, but it will only be done by people who put principles before votes, and sadly, that cuts out most of our present politicians. The only real dispute between them is over which of them will get their hands deepest into your pocket and mine.

As between the major parties we think that the Liberal National Parties are preferable to the Labor Party — preferable, but only just. Their policies will result in high inflation and higher taxation, but under the Labor Party both taxation and inflation will be even higher.

For this reason we have recommended in our how to vote order which will be published in Saturday’s Courier Mail that you give your preferences to the Liberal National Parties ahead of Labor. If you follow our recommended how to vote order there is no way that a vote for any Workers Party candidate could harm the chances of a Liberal National candidate if our candidate is not elected.

This election, instead of voting for parties which still put taxes up, why not vote for a party which will put taxes down? Instead of voting for parties which will maintain inflation at its present level or increase it, why not vote for a party which will eliminate it by eliminating its sole cause in two years?

Instead of voting for parties which have presided over growth in the public service to a stage where over one in four Australians works for the government, why not vote for a party which will reduce the size of bureaucracy? Instead of voting for politicians who promise the world and perform at your expense, why not vote for yourself for a change? Australia was not built up on handouts but on hard work, only if you vote Workers Party will your vote ensure that workers and not bludgers will prosper and that Australia will prosper too.