Viv Forbes, Stuck on Red & Other Essays (First Published by “Business Queensland” and “Common Sense” in 1991), pp. 68-70.About the Author»

Every little boy loves watching fires and floods. The excitement of action, the thrill of danger and the feeling of importance when relaying the news back home are irresistible.

Politicians are no different. Once disaster strikes they flock in with concerned faces and promising cheque books. If the disaster is big enough to attract national television, there will be sufficient politicians on hand to hold a joint federal-state cabinet meeting.

However, the long-term disasters conceived by vote seeking blow-ins are more costly than those they claim to solve.

Take drought relief. For years the elders of the farming community have said to their sons, “Don’t get into debt, build up your savings and keep the hay shed full.”

Now the government says to those who ignored this sound advice, “If you have heavy debt, no liquid assets and starving stock, do not worry. You are entitled to a handout from us. Your prudent neighbours will pay for it.”

We all sympathise with struggling farmers plagued by taxes, tariffs, inflation, blow-flies, politicians, unions, floods and drought.

However, droughts are a normal feature of the Australian landscape. Some areas have been defined as “drought stricken” for 50% of the time for over 20 years. People who choose freely to locate their businesses in these areas must plan to cope with natural climatic conditions. It is unfair that other businesses who choose safer environments should be forced by politicians to subsidise those who gamble unsuccessfully against King Drought. As Mr Warburton said in 1986, “Farmers who receive most assistance tend to be risk takers, while those who adopt strategies to minimise risk, or prepare for a disaster, are often ineligible for assistance.”

Past drought policies have perversely added to the risks faced by country businesses.

Firstly, there are no clear unchangeable guidelines. Each natural disaster produces ad hoc decisions and arbitrary rules which add political uncertainty to all the other risks facing the farmer.

Worse still, if farmers believe there will be government help, they lose the incentive to adopt drought insurance policies. This encourages overstocking (and land degradation) and makes the next drought an even bigger disaster.

Floods are a natural feature of certain country. As Moss Cass said in 1974, “Flood plains are for floods.” People who freely locate their house or business on flood plains are choosing higher risks in return for cheaper housing blocks, or more fertile farm land. It is unfair that those with different risk preferences should be forced to subsidise them.

Politicians like to grandstand and gladhand on the stage of big disasters. But disasters are individual things. The man whose house is burnt down in an isolated fire has suffered a bigger disaster than any one of the thousands of home owners whose houses are flooded but left intact. Moreover, it is difficult to determine who has suffered from a natural disaster. Drought does just as much damage to the regional machinery dealer as it does to his farmer clients, but the dealer seldom gets a political handout.

Politicians also magnify future disasters by giving handouts to those who have no insurance. This is equivalent to supply government insurance at zero cost, which is certainly more attractive than insurance from AMP or MLC. This unfair competition tends to increase the number of people with free government insurance and decreases the pool of people contributing directly to the voluntary disaster insurance pool.

The media are often equally irresponsible. They could play a valuable role with accurate advice and information, in organising and promoting voluntary relief schemes and in acting as a watchdog to expose deceptive insurance practices or fraudulent claimants. Instead they employ emotive headlines and journalistic harassment to spread the Aorta disease — “Aorta give these poor victims more money.”

Every government welfare scheme gets abused and over-used and leads to widespread corruption.

First is the legal corruption which occurs where assiduous advisers employed by big business read the rules and manipulate stock or assets to ensure they are eligible for government relief. Second is the outright fraud committed on a clumsy bureaucracy by individual liars and con-persons (yes, there were ladies among the 10% of fraudulent claims to the Logan City disaster relief scheme).

What may responsible politicians do? They could ensure that all disaster insurance is tax deductible — this should include storage of water and fodder, and insurance premiums for fire, flood, storm or earthquake. They should also ensure that there is no deception or fraud on either side regarding the disclosure of risks and no breach of any insurance contract.

They should also avoid the use of totalitarian “emergency” evacuation and seizure powers. (A study of most disasters shows that jackbooted officials are one of the biggest dangers facing any independent-minded citizen.) If someone chooses to defend his property from flood, fire or looting, or to take the risk of staying put, that is his right. The combined effect of all such individual defence efforts will always exceed the centralised and costly efforts of the authorities. Finally, politicians should abandon the business of providing “free” disaster relief, absolutely and completely, and publicise this fact. Those with a compulsion to do good deeds should find a useful job on the end of a shovel or on a fund raising committee.

Life is full of disasters — flood, fire, earthquake, cyclone, drought, accident, volcano, war, burglary, disease, locusts, rabbits, unwanted pregnancy, toxic waste dumps, tax audits, political promises and the Australian Wool Corporation.

Only foolish people do not recognise these risks. Each person must decide which risks to insure against and which to bear. Inevitably, some will choose to take foolish risks, but politicians should not coerce other taxpayers to reward the foolish.

The ultimate result of protecting people from their own foolishness is to fill the world with fools.

This is no service to any country.

Forbes has long been active in politics, economic education, business and the global warming debate, and was winner of the Australian Adam Smith Award “For outstanding services to the Free Society” in 1986.Powered by Hackadelic Sliding Notes 1.6.5